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Wed, 14 Mar 2007 06:20:10 -0700
Mustela Putorious <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (103 lines)
"Aaaaaahhhh" I always enjoy a good stretch when I wake up in the
morning. I have some seedlings to plant in my garden, Mr. Big sent me
a lemon tree [I'm not sure WHY he would send me a lemon tree, ferrets
don't really care for citrus. Maybe the flowers are really pretty??]
anywho...HE also sent me a magnolia tree and tulip bulbs...a LOT of
tulip bulbs...I might be planting those for DAYS!!

First I have to get out there and finish turning the soil, then I have
to add last years compost to it and mix that in real good and then, I
have to figure out where to plant these trees, because they will be
here for a very long time so planning is very important.

I think I need some help with this project. I am tired just from
thinking about it.

"Hmm-mmm...Wasn't there something Mr. Big had asked me to do? What was
it???" My memory just isn't what it used to be, but I know there was
something I was supposed to do this morning, besides worrying about
the garden.

"Oh! That's it!" I said aloud to no one as I bonked myself on the

"I have to check on Bonkers and LunaMoon for our dear friend Karen. NOW
I remember!" I said, dancing a happy little jig. I am so happy because
I really don't like to ask Mr. Big about my assignments, he has a
tendency to chastise me for forgetting.

From what I was told both Bonkers and LunaMoon crossed the Bridge in
January, and they were met at the Bridge by Muldoone and his pals
RinkyDink, BigFun, Pepsi and Sassyfrass. I understand it was quite a
welcome! Everyone was happy and dooking up a storm, all of them were
asking Mully questions and talking at the same time, which makes
Muldoone's head swim! He finally got them settled in to the cottage
that BigFun, Pepsi, Sassyfrass and RinkyDink share with their other
fert 'siblings', after LunaMoon and Bonkers arrived an addition had
to be built to accommodate everyone. But that was over a month ago,
so I think it would be a good idea to take a walk over that way and
see how they are doing.

Everyone knows how much I love to walk in the morning, seeing the dew
on the foliage and watching the morning fog lift away from the Bridge.
This morning there is just a hint of a rainbow dancing along the edge
of the fog. It is such a glorious sight to behold. It makes my heart

As I pass the Bridge I can hear the lilting strains of The Ferret
Promise Song and I know either Muldoone or SaraFerret will soon be
at The Bridge to greet a new arrival. Greetings are tough on Bridge
Greeters, as happy as the reunions are, the passings are sad, because
we know that in order for a fert to be able to say Hello on this side,
humans and ferts had to let go and say Goodbye on the other side. I
think Bridge Greeters should have a mandatory 2 week vacation each
year, it would help us stay happy! But that's just my opinion and we
all know what we can do with those [:wink, wink:]

I pass through The Meadows, the fog still dancing at my feet. The tall,
sweet grass is covered with morning dew. And it is very quiet here. I
don't think anyone else has passed through here before me today. It
is so quiet and still. I walk swiftly, fearing I may disturb Mother
Nature. [Personally, I've never met her, but I hear she can be tough!]

I arrive at the cottages beyond The Meadows and it is quiet here too.
Seems like everyone has decided to sleep in...or else I am up much
earlier than usual. And I don't think that's it. I walk quietly and
approach a row of cottages, looking for one with new construction, and
it is fairly easy to spot. As busy as ferts like to be, they are not
that good at cleaning up after themselves. Outside one of the cottages
I notice tools that have been left out long enough that they have
started to rust, and piles of wooden planks that were haphazardly
stacked too high, so the pile fell over. And no one bothered to
re-stack it. There was a banner hanging from the front of the cottage,
it had folded in on itself, I could see the letters, 'elco LuBonk'
after studying it for a moment I deduced that it had originally said
'Welcome Home LunaMoon & Bonkers' --- evidently there had been a party
or celebration.

I tippy-toed up to the window and peeked inside. There was a large
pile of ferty-bodies all mishmashed into a big comfy hammock. It was
hard to tell where one fert ended and the next began. They were snoring
quietly, oblivious to my intrusion. I could see that there was one
lovely silver coat in the heap and realized from their Earth Mom's
description that this must be Bonkers and snuggled up beside him was
a slightly plump white coat that I think belonged to LunaMoon.

I could see that they both were content, otherwise they wouldn't be
sleeping in a big tussle of warm fert bodies. I chose not to wake them
but just to watch them sleep for a moment. As I turned to walk away I
heard a peaceful sigh, I looked back in the window and saw LunaMoon
stretching, so I quietly walked away, not wanting to disturb their
peaceful slumber. I will come back very soon [during the afternoon] to
check on these ferts again, hopefully they won't be napping when I show
up. I think their Earth Mom Karen can rest easy knowing that they both
are very happy up here, even though they miss their Earth family, they
know they will all be reunited again one day. In the meantime, they are
content to romp and play, and sleep up here at The Rainbow Bridge.

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[Posted in FML 5547]