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Sun, 11 Mar 2007 08:05:08 -0700
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Answering Bill Killian's post:

>I read the stories on the MFRAN web site. Those are not legal
>affidavits. They are stories written by semi-literates based on poor
>grammar and bad spelling. They are stories of impressions and feelings
>not pertinent facts."

Whether they are legal (in your opinion) or not, they give descriptive
accounts of what was seen on this property. People wanted to know the
facts, they learned some of the facts. It's unfortunate that they could
only give the description on a small area, there are other areas that
were off limits, I can only imagine WHAT kind of torture and neglect
was in those areas.

>They did not rescue ferrets. They boughth ferrets. But MFRAN wants
>more ferrets and more noteriety. So they call it a rescue and ask for
>your money to finance their purchases.

Alrighty then, lets get some FACTS straight here Bill, MFRAN did not
purchase a SINGLE ferret. MFRAN was brought in AFTER the ferrets were
purchased and AFTER the affidavits were written. Speaking of facts
Mister Killian, a lot of FML members DONATED the money to get the
ferrets out of there. Kind of blew that one for ya huh?? And yes, it
was a rescue. A rescue is a rescue whether money is involved or not.
Just because you pay for an animal, it doesn't mean that you didn't
rescue it. We got those babies out of the hell they were in period.
Who cares HOW that happened.

>We ran a rescue for many years. If we bought a ferret we bought a
>ferret. It wasn't a rescue. If we wanted more ferrets we never asked
>for money from others.

If you can honestly agree with McKay's practices, then I feel sorry for
the animals that you did "rescue".

>When I read the stories I understand that Doug McKay is old and very
>poor. And the three authors are hatefilled probably lower middle class
>city snobs. We have some busy bodies in Michigan doing the annual beat
>up on the frail old man. Annual in that various people in Michigan
>beat up on Doug every year for at least 14 years now."

Ahh yes, here we go with the poor old, sick and frail Doug McKay. Sigh,
my heart breaks for the poor frail old man that allows poor, sick frail
ferrets to DIE due to neglect of medical care and improper care. Did
you ever stop to think that people wouldn't "beat up" that poor old
man if he would do right by the animals?

And, looking back at a post from his family, they "claim" that he isn't
as bad off as people say. So tell us dear old friend of McKay, which is
it? Hmm?

>The authors seemed to blame McKay for it being winter and them being
>somehow not quite smart enough to dress warmly.

No one is blaming McKay for the season. Nope, what they were doing was
describing the weather conditions. The authors wanted the people to
know that this is what it was like and this is what the ferrets are
NOT protected against.

>We used some of the feeders Doug used. The ferrets did indeed like to
>eat from top. It had nothing to do with the bottoms being frozen.

I beg to differ, the food was frozen. These ferrets HAD to eat from the
top in order to get food.

>One of the authors made a surprising discovery, cats are curious. Barn
>cats often end up being a rather mixed looking bunch. The cats are
>working animals on a farm. They are there to control pests; keeping
>mice out of the feed. But anyone familiar with barn cats might be
>actually surprised if the barn cats are all so friendly. The
>accusatory approach used in describing the cats backfires.

Working animals are fine. Working animals that have an eyeball hanging
out is sheer neglect. More animals are allowed to multiply. Lets see,
we have too many ferrets because they are allowed to breed
continuously, many, many cats, that are breeding continuously (there
were small kittens too). The breeding of these animals is out of

The cats were eating ferrets. That is okay? NOT. The truth of the
matter is, McKay has no regard for the lives of these animals. That
is why people are stepping in. If he can't control the situation, then
it is up to someone else to do it.

>It was cold wet and muddy. Well it was wonter. Mr McKay is not
>responsible for it being cold wet and muddy in winter in Ohio.

No, but he IS responsible to make sure that the animals on his "farm"
(I personally prefer to say in his mill) are taken care of. HE is
responsible to make sure that his animals are properly cared for and
properly protected from the weather elements.

>TLE had mentioned wanting an impartial third party to observe.
>Fortunately she had her wish. THe federal, state and local governments
>have all been at McKay's farm over the years and have all decided,
>impartially, that the problems are not what the detractors claim.

Well, lets get the PROPER federal, state and local governments in there
and see what they think. Lets get some that are not willing to turn a
blind eye to the horrid conditions and see just how things turn out.

>More testimony if need be? Affadavits of it being cold in winter? Using
>a single bite incident and a single ferret to paint all of the ferrets
>as "biters" and ill?

There are more than just one incident of biting. If you would have
read the information on the site, you would have read that it is under
construction. I have one of McKay's ferrets here that was removed in
one of the RESCUES. He is a bad biter. He is unsocialized and has done
severe nerve damage to one of the handlers. McKay's ferrets are not bad
ferrets, just severely deprived of proper socialization. With having so
many ferrets that they cannot properly care for, it shouldn't come as
a surprise. Out of the 100+ ferrets that have come out of there since
November, there hasn't been a nice one. They have all been biters due
to not being socialized.

>The bitten hand? The victim seems to not know how to take care of
>herself. She's let herself get infections based on the redness around
>the punctures.

Oh, so you are "Dr. Killian" now? Could it be that the redness around
the punctures is irritation? Uh yep yep. It wouldn't surprise me
anyways if there was infection seems as the ferrets were living in
UNSANITARY conditions prior to getting out of there. No telling really
what they might have with their lack of care, cleanliness and vet care.

>Sick ferrets? I see a few pictures of an albino ferret with a full
>winter coat. Like Cinnamon Sprite, I don't see the problem."

Yes, there are/were sick ferrets. Several URIs, some males with sheath
infections, some females with pyometria, a ferret that has untreated
damage to his eye, severe ear mites, bloody necks from male attacking
male, a ferret with nerve damage so severe that she is unable to get
around properly. There is more and if you like, I can elaborate when
I remember all of them.

>>From:    [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Re: DM
>>For those still vigorously defending Doug Mckay....although I do not
>>personally know him.....It's evident from the affidavit and pictures
>>that he and his family are disgusting human beings with little regard
>>for the life of animals. Ill say it again....the world is a better
>>place when people like that are no longer here.
>Wow. That was a brilliant observation. You hate that much? Its a pity.
>Hating that much is not healthy. Wanting people dead? BIG would have
>stopped that in the past. [I didn't interpret Tyler's statement with
>the same negatively as you.  BIG]

I don't think that anyone wishes him dead. However, it would be
interesting to see if he could survive the same treatment that he gives
his animals.

>I know of no one who thinks its great that Doug McKay has a ferret and
>mink ranch that provides his only means of staying alive. I think the
>vigor is not so much defending McKay but vigor in stopping a mean
>spirited and ill advised witch hunt."

Doug's own words stated that he had too many ferrets to care for and
that he needed to downsize. Common sense says that you allow the
downsizing to occur and you DON'T BREED IN THE PROCESS!!!! It's all
about money for him. It ISN'T about the welfare of the animals.

What is "mean spirited" is the way in which he forces GODS creatures
to live. There is NO excuse for it.

>No one thinks this very old man in very poor health has the ideal
>conditions for his ferrets.

Would YOU live in those conditions? Would you force YOUR ferrets to
live in those conditions? I should hope not.

>Doug McKay and his family have always been described as kind people.
>They have always been kind to us.

Ted Bundy was described as a kind person. He was a murderer. Maybe
he has always been kind to you, but only because you agree with his

>People have always taken advantage of him. It seems MFRAN has done so
>also with the stories where they wanted to take his ferrets for less
>than normal prices.

Nobody is taking advantage of your sweet kind friend. He, however,
seems to be taking advantage of the ferret community when he over
breeds and calls the rescues to help, just to do it over and over

MFRAN hasn't taken any ferrets. Get your facts straight before you
spew venom. Doug WILLINGLY offered the ferrets up for $35 a head.
That has NOTHING to do with MFRAN.

>MFRAN is just the latest incarnation of the uneducated mob going
>after McKay.

You are spewing venom again Bill. You have NO idea what you are talking
about, so really, you need to do more research before spreading false

If you truly care about your friend and his animals, then maybe you
should talk him into giving up something that he so obviously cannot
handle. Maybe you should step in and try to help him instead of
spitting your vicious venom at those that truly care for the animals
and are trying to do something to help them. Come on Bill, have a

Lora Blaisdell
Michigan Ferret Rescue inc.

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I
can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." --
Helen Keller

[Posted in FML 5544]