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Wed, 7 Mar 2007 10:31:17 -0500
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Hi all, dis be SaraFerret. Yes its me. Mommy is once again healthy and
back again at her pc and able to type. Unfortunately all her fmls were
lost due to a computer glitchess caused by some kinda lunar plosions-
least dats whats she was tolds.

Buts backs to business. I remembers very clearly when Ms Flower came
across de bridge as I was surrounded by Bubba, Pal, Clyde, Casio,
Bodie, Blizzard, and all de rest of her fwiends. (Its handys to have a
bits of advancy noticys). Dere she came with a loud whoope and a weasel
dance--I was amazed--she bounceyed acwossed dat bridge--first time for
a ferret to do dat. Even de Boss stood dere awestruck--yeo dat girl was
gonna be a handful. She bounced on up to me and says Hi I'm Flower and
I guess you be Sandee.

No dear I am SaraFerret.

Oh, she says. Well I is sposed to meet Sandee. All of her friends wer
giggling and telling her to shush, but dere was no shushing dis
girlferret. Ok, now get me Ms Sandee. Well I says, Ms Sandee is no
longer a bridge greeter. Oh, she says. Well, den I wanna go home.

Uh Flower, I tells her, dis is home now. I am SaraFerret and I am the
bridge greeter and I want to show you around the place and see here are
your friends that you met before and you grass to play in and lot of

Well, she looked at me and a big tear ran down her cheek, but daddy
Scott said....

I know dear, I told her. Humans get confused sometimes about names, but
here at the Rainbow Bridge, there is no confusion and no unhappiness
and we run and play and wardance and nibble on food and sing all day.
And den all of a sudden her friends grouped around her and she
remembered dem and she started hugging dem (sometimes it takes a bit
of time for de newcomers to remember tings from de past). Dey started
dancing around and singing. I said Hey Flower, you need to get your
wings and halo.

Oh yes, I remember Daddy Scott, saying something about it was time for
me to become an angel and wear beautiful flower wings. Do you have
flower wings?

Well, I don't know. So off we went to Kit and Kaboodle. When we got
dere, no one was about, so one of de more agile boys checked up on de
shelves for de wings and he found one box marked for Flower Ferret.
Well he put it in his mouth and climbed down. We opened it and what do
you know. A perfect set of Flowery wings and a halo for Flower. We put
the wings on her and they fit perfectly and the halo was just so. It
almost brought tears to my eyes. She was almost the spitting image of
me when I came to de bridge many years ago. We went outside. I asked
her if she wanted me to show her around. But her friends were going
to take her around and I was invited to a later party and I accepted.

So I just went to the pool and just sat dere and thought about de years
I had been at de bridge and de ferrets I had greeted for dose years and
den I curled up and took a short nap.

Loveys and dooks and huggies from de Rainbow Bridge


[Posted in FML 5540]