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Fri, 29 Dec 2006 15:14:07 -0400
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Amber-Lynn - Jun 24/99 - Dec 28/06

It is with much sadness that I write this. Ambi has left for Rainbow
Bridge :(

She was my cinnamon girl, my turkey bone with the chicken legs, my
kidney bean, above all she was a very, very special friend. She came
into my life just shortly after Jade Elaine, actually 1 week after
losing Jader back in November of '99. She and Daisy Mai hit it off
famously :) Daisy had to be put down in March of '01. Ambi stayed alone
until September of '01, that's when Nikki Taur came into the picture,
they became a bonded pair. Nikki has been a gentleman to Ambi always :)

On Christmas Day, Ambi was slowly going down hill, and on the 28th
there was nil sparkle in her eye, but a longing to be free of the
adrenal & insulinoma grip. I knew it was time to say goodbye :( I'm
crushed and I'm torn, I know and realize I did the right thing, but
why do I feel so, so terrible. They tell me the hurt is in direct
proportion reflecting the love I have for Ambi. This house just
isn't the same :( I'm just heartsick :(

I took Nikki Taur to the vet as well, so that he could say his goodbyes
too, he struggled to get way away from her lifeless body. My friend
says, it scared him, for Ambi was alive just 2 minutes ago...what
happened?? It's heartbreaking to see Nikki at home look for her, he
pancakes and sighs. I'm coddling to his every whim, doing my very best
to keep him busy/occupied. I won't take Ambi's cage down for storage
or wash her scent away, I want to leave it for awhile for Nikki.

I'm having Ambi cremated. She will reside on the fireplace mantle along
with Jade Elaine & Daisy Mai. There is room for one more, Nikki Taur.

I won't be getting any more ferret for a very long time if ever,
the emotional scars and roller coaster have taken their toll on me
physically. I just can't do this anymore, I just can't :(

SaraFerret, can you please watch out for Ambi, tell her how sad we are
that she had to leave us behind and I pray that she quickly finds Jade
Elaine & Daisy Mai.

Ambi, I'll never forget you, I love you and I miss you terribly. I
anticipate the day that we can all be together again, this time my
friend, it will be forever. Until we meet again sweetie, please know
that we love you very much, and not a day will pass that we won't think
of you :) We have been truly blessed for our paths to have crossed in
this universal matrix.

I had seen this the other day on the FML, I had long wanted to include
it with Ambi's passing:

The Ship - Luther Beecher

I am standing upon the seashore.

A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and
starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of strength and beauty, and
I stand and watch her until she is only a ribbon of white cloud where
the sea and the sky seem to mingle with each other.

Then someone at my side says, "There, she's gone!" Gone where? Gone
from my sight, that's all.

She is just as complete in mast and hull and spar as she was when she
left my side, and just as able to bear her precious freight to the
place of destination.

Her diminished appearance is in me - not in her. And at the very moment
when someone at my side says, "There, she's gone!", other voices shout
with gladness, "Here she comes!"

And that is death.

Death is only a horizon, and a horizon is the limit of our sight.


Mom, Dad & the White Tiger, Nikki Taur

[Posted in FML 5472]