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Fri, 2 Nov 2007 20:31:45 -0500
text/plain (97 lines)
Today was a beautiful day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was playing tennis
with some fuzzies who belongs to de Paws to de Wall Gang. Wowsie, was
dey good. Back and forth de balls went. Our team was good, but deres
was better. All of a sudden, Dexter, de little boy courier, flew up and
dropped a note on my nose. OOPS! De ball sailed past me and dat stops
de game.

Whats'up SaraFerret, Brownie asks?

Oh my, one of your group that you haven't met is on your way across de
bridge and we must run to meet her. All of dem read de note. We ran for
de entrance and dey hid behind de posts.

Just in time! A tired little fuzzy was crossing. I met her at de
entrance and introduces myself, Hi, I am SaraFerret and I am de
bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new forever
home. Here you will have no pain or suffering. You will free on green
grass. Dere will be no messy litter pans, lotsa food and water, plenty
of treats, yours friends and family, did I mention fun and games.

De little fuzzy looks at me with big sad eyes and says, Well I am Lucy
and I guess I belongs to Mommy Jill. At least dat's where I ends up at.
She is such a nice lady and she takes such good care of me. She has
lotsa of food. She loves me so much and takes me to de vet. But den I
gets really sick and she was rushing around. I tries to says good-bye
to her, but all I could do was squeak. But really I wants to go back
dere cause dat was my real forever home, dat's what she tells me. Lucy
had a big tear in her eye dat fell onto her cheek.

Sigh! I pats her on her shoulder and tells her, Lucy, your time on
earth was over. Your Mommy Jill sent us a note. A fuzzy's life on earth
is short and when we can no longer dance for joy, it is our time to
begin our journey here.

Lucy just looks at me and says, so who is here anyway.

Well, its like I told you. Dis is de Rainbow Bridge. (And den Lucy
remembered my little speech.) Oh yes, Lucy said, now I remembers what
you said, I guess I was just in kinda shock from crossing so I didn't
takes it all in at once. So why am I still hurting if dere is no pain
here. All of a sudden POOF! Lucy felt instantly better. She stretched
and stretched and nothing hurt. Everything felt so good.

From behind de post, jumped de Paws to de Wall Gang, yelling
"SURPRISE". Dey gave Lucy a bit of a shock. She didn't really know dem,
but dey seemed to know her. Dey danced with her and bounced and finally
dey all wore down.

Den she notices dere wings. Hey what are dose things on your shoulders?

I replys, dese are wings. Wings? She asks, do I gets dose?

Of course you do. Little Bit gave a demo of how to fly and Lucy was so

So off we went down de garden path toward de Wing House where de wings
were stored. We opened de door and on de counter was a big box (of
course). She opened de box and took out her wings--royal blue with pink
streaks. She ran to de big vanity mirror and gazed at her reflection--
she saw a beautiful fuzzy as pretty as she was in de days of her youth,
proud and feeling great. She turned to me and says, Gee I wish Mommy
could see me now. Den I gots an idea.

So off we went down de path toward de Misting Pond. We sat down beside
de cool clear water and with one swish we saw Mommy Jill with Scruffy
and Lucky appear. We saw her look up toward de sky and smile so Lucy
started waving and dooking with all of her might.

Hey Mommy, look at my wings, aren't dey pretty. I can really fly now.
I don't hurt anymore. Thank you for saving me. Thanks for loving me.
Thanks for being there for me. De rest of de Gang danced around with
happiness to see dere Mommy again. Dey made promises to visit her in
her dreams.

Den Lucy began to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped dem with her love
and laid dem on a nearby shooting star which was headed toward your
house. And with another swish de vision was gone.

As we headed toward de Paws To De Wall Gang's Cottage, Lucy could see
dat a Welcome to de Bridge banner was strung across de trees.

She whispered to me, How did dey know I was coming?

Oh we has our ways, I replys. A party was going full blast, music was
playing, food was laid out, de mosuie angels was scurrying around
cleaning up de place, and Wowsie, fuzzies were wardancing. Everyone
greeted everyone! Lucy was at last at home. At last she was free of
pain, in her new forever home.

So ended another day at de Bridge.

Loveys and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5780]