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Mon, 29 Oct 2007 21:07:18 EDT
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Dear SaraFerret,
Would you please look for Franklin and welcome him to the Rainbow
Bridge. Many of the ferret mom's and lovers may have read Frankie's
mom's posts over the last several months on both the FHL and FML.
Frankie was a beautiful Panda ferret that had an incredible knack for
capturing your heart the moment you laid eyes on him. Frankie always
had a mind of his own, as a matter of fact, it was just this time 2yrs
ago, when Franklin decided to break thru the screen of his 2nd floor
bedroom window and venture off on an exciting journey. Needless to say,
Frankie's mom was beside herself and searched frantically all over
until she was able to find him. That Frankie, smart little guy he was,
he found someone to take him in and keep him safe until his Mommy came
for him. I think deep down inside he knew she would search the world
over until she found him. Frankie's mom told me once that she felt
blessed because she could have lost him much sooner if she was not
able to find him. Instead God gave them another two years together. I
will remember Frankie for his strong will and for being full of fight
inside, the only ferret I know to still put up a fight at the vet's
office, even after having to be sedated for a routine procedure! Well,
Franklin put up a very brave, courageous fight to the bitter end.

Sometime last year Frankie, started to act as though he was not well.
His symptoms were vague and would come and go. His mom fought
diligently for answers as to what was wrong with her little boy. No
definitive answers could be found. The vague symptoms continued to come
and go. Not long ago, it was diagnosed that Frankie had kidney failure,
at just five years old. But, how could it be...? He was fat and sassy,
and was acting way too good to be a ferret in the middle of kidney
failure???!!! Well, that must have been Frankie's fight...shinning
right through, because it was not until the bitter end that Frankie
actually began to show just how sick his little body was.

Frankie was sometimes referred to as "the world's most spoiled ferret",
but I like to think of him as something more. To me, Frankie was the
world's luckiest ferret, for Frankie was continuously surrounded by
love. When the vet advised Frankie's mom that he was in full-blown
kidney failure and had very little time left, and had to stay at the
vet's office all day for special treatments... His mom packed up all
his favorite toys, all of his brothers and sisters, and even his
dad.... the whole family tracked 1 hour each way daily up to the vet
to sit with Frankie all day, so that he would not be alone, and to be
certain that he was surrounded by love and his family and so that they
would not waste not one minute with him at all! WOW, how loved he must
of felt... Probably explains why he continued to fight, who'd want to
leave earth with that going on!!!! Frankie's mom took him home nightly
incase he crossed to the rainbow bridge; she didn't want him to be
alone. But Frankie didn't cross over; instead he fought, and fought,
and fought...and bounced back. He started eating really well again and
everything. His mom worked diligently to buy him more time, she learned
to SUB-Q him and did so 4xs daily, with hand feedings as well. What a
lucky guy.

But as with all fights, they must come to an end. SaraFerret, today
Frankie lost his brave fight. He had taken a turn for the worse, and
Frankie did something he never does, he kissed his mom, and crawled
into his carrier to let his mom know.... he was ready and it was time.
Frankie's mom, a mom who always showed him love, did what is hardest
for ferret mom's heart to bear. Frankie's mom put her pain and fear of
loosing him aside; she borrowed some of Frankie's courage, and scoped
Frankie up for one more trip to the vet's office that he had come to
know all to well.

I had told you that Frankie had a knack for just stealing your heart;
well it is no surprise that he had acquired a great many friends at his
vet's office. There with his mom and family, surround by the staff who
had come to know him and love him, and the vet who had fought so hard
for him, all gathered together ...they laid their Frankie to rest.

SaraFerret, I know how you will be able to find Frankie, he will be
the ferret who's heart is glowing, and who's face wears a tremendous
smile... because in life he had what most humans never find... in life
he had real love, and tons of it. And he will be the ferret looking
down from Heaven to earth on his mom, and through his smile you will
be able to see how very proud he is of the care, love, selflessness
she has shown to him.

SaraFerret, please welcome Frankie to the Rainbow Bridge as he begins
yet another exciting journey...

And through her tears Frankie's mom says....

We'll shower him with tenderness and love while we may, And for the
happiness we've known, forever grateful stay. And should the angels
call for him much sooner than we planned, We'll brave the bitter grief
that comes, and try to understand."

Thank you SaraFerret, and may my little friend Frankie's soul rest in

A Ferret Mom

Frankie's mom can be reached at [log in to unmask]

[Posted in FML 5776]