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Thu, 5 Apr 2007 14:09:07 -0400
Possum Senior Reporter <[log in to unmask]>
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April 2007 News

Possum  NEW Senior Reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

Possum here:
Holy Moly is it April already? Where do the days go? Isn't April Easter
bunny month? Does that mean I get Easter goodies? I think I need Easter
goodies... hey out there you can send me Easter goodies if you wish! I
am going to start the news, we had the ferret club meeting here again;
our house was full full full all day. 7 club members showed up, and
then 2 families with 2 legged furless kids showed up. That means we had
3 more adults and a total of 5 - 2 legged furless kids in out house...
wow it was a very hectic day but miss Donna D. kept the shelter going,
while miss Stephanie and miss Kristie did the education with the new
families so miss Donna z. and mum could be out in the store going over
what miss Donna z. is putting in her store for us shelter kids. I laid
in Miss Cathy d. arms and just soaked up some loving and information,
you know like that Ernie kid keeps telling me to do? . Miss Cathy d is
good at loving me and there was Lots and lots of information flying
around that room that day. . Thanks Miss Cathy for holding me for a
very long time.

after all the "new to the shelter" people left all the club members
made a human chain to get the plywood that Mr. Scott z cut for mum last
moth, out of the garage and up in the living room for the first half
of the floor to get nailed down. Once that got done mum could start
sticking the tile. Down on it. mum is getting excited to have a new
floor we kids can not mess up like we did the carpet. Little Irene
thought she was going to help mum so she walked though some of the
wet sticky glue mum had put down. Mum had to kick her out of the room
because Irene would not stop doing that. Once we got all the plywood
in the house we all had lunch. Mum made everyone stew. Hey chump are
you going to jump in here some time during this news?

Ernie here:
I don't think so miss possum I am not feeling so well so if you do not
mind I would like to pass on doing my part of the news, this time

Possum here:
Oh what ever,! Mum makes me take on a cub reporter and now you don't
want to do it! Fine I will do it all myself. Mum had to run Ivory into
our favorite doc. He was berry berry sick. Mum thought it was his
heart. Our favorite doc looked inside of him with pictures. He was full
of lumps and bumps. Mum called them tumors. Our favorite doc put him
on medicine, but that did not help for long he died last Saturday. Oh
yeah, Juliet and Feisty went to live with Donna Z

Mum got a big big box from the Baker bunch! there was lots of food that
mum can eat and valentines goodies.. Mum found this adorable stuffed
kitty that talks and wags his tale. His name is Leonardo. Mum just
hugged and hugged him when he got here; she even took him on that big
yellow thingy to show all the 2 legged furless kids that ride on it.
Thanks for making mum happy baker bunch!

Mum has been busy getting humans lined up, that want to set up a vendor
table at the international ferret symposium in Portland Oregon. June
21-24 2007. There are just 3 spaces left so if you want to come set
up you better get in touch with my mum. You can reach her here,
[log in to unmask] if you are not sure and want to know more
then Go here:

Oh oh........the raffle we had going for the afghan and matching cozy;
The one that Miss Ret made special for this last raffle? Miss Nicole
B. our new shelter helper pulled the winning ticket. Anna W. is the
winner. Congratulations Miss Anna w. thank you all for participating
and helping mum take care of us. We sure do preciate all of you, me
specially cause I get lots of special attention. Hey Chump are you
ready yet?

Ernie here:
NO POSSUM! I told you I do not feel good so I am not going to help this
month! You're so hot for help here use my buddy Luke!

Possum here:
OH no! no! no! no! I do not need to use a sub for the news.

Luke here:
I will help you with the news miss possum. I can help real fine. Watch
this; Mum was involved in an accident on her big yellow thingy. By the
way possum it is called a school bus. Mum is fine; she only had 5 kids
left on the bus when she was hit from behind by a pickup truck. Mum
stopped; the pickup truck didn't. Once a school bus is involved in an
accident the entire top brass show up on the road, along with all the
ambulance, fire trucks and state troopers. All mum's kids were checked
out and taken home. Mum's bus was driven home by the mechanic. Then mum
was followed home by the big big boss. Mum had to drive the little bus
the mechanic drove out to her. She had to go get drug tested so she got
home to take care of us very late; Way past out meds time. Mum got us
cought up fast once she got home. Miss Cathy R was kind enough to bring
mum's Lucy home from our favorite doc's. She got her wings. See Possum
I can help do the news this month for you.

Possum here:
Oh goody! Way to go mum. Well it looks like I covered most of what went
on last month. The club meeting is going to be here at the shelter
again this month only it is going to be the 3rd Sunday because Easter
falls on the regular club meeting day. If you want to know more about
the ferret club go here, http://ferretloversuny.org/

Until Next month;
Senior reporter Possum
Andy: watching from Rainbow Bridge
Ernie: Cub-reporter: Luke filling in for Ernie this month

Our Shopping Mall

International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter

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