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Tue, 9 Jan 2007 01:30:58 -0500
"Possum Senior Reporter" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (176 lines)
January 2007 News

Possum  NEW Senior Reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!!!! WOW 2007!!! It is going to be a
great year!

Possum Here: Boy has we had a wonderful Christmas. Mum was home a long
long time; she did not has to drive the big yellow thingy for a whole
week. We love it when mum can stay home with us.

Lots and lots of things have happened here at the shelter, so many I
do not know where to start.

Ernie here: Now mum?

Mum here: Yes Ernie; go ahead.

Ernie here: Miss Possum, I know where to start.

Possum here: Hey who is that? Andy pants is that you? What is going on?
Come on; who do I hear getting into my news?

Mum here: No Possum it is not your Andy pants it is Ernie; he is going
to help you do the news this month, maybe he can even be cub

Possum here: I aint gonna share this news with that Ernie kid! Nope;
nope; nope I'm not! And I thought 2007 was going to be a good year!
What was I thinking?

Mum here: You will or you will not do the news at all there Missy! You
go ahead Ernie you tell some news.

Ernie here: First off mum is taking registrations for the next
International Ferret Symposium; she is going to get real busy doing
that; so if you humans out there are thinking about going to Oregon to
be a vendor you need to get in touch with our mum just as soon as you
can. If you want to know more about the symposium you can go here:

Possum here: Hey! Hey, you stop that! How did you get all the
information? How are you getting so smart, so fast?

Ernie here: Well; Miss Possum you see, Luke and I live in the cage that
Andy Pants use to live in. It sits up high right in the pathway of mum
doing this, that and other things. When people come to help or even
just visit they talk about important things like the 2007 I.F.C.
Symposium that is going to happen in Portland Oregon in June, so I hear
them. You see Miss Possum sometimes it is better to listen than to
talk. Sometimes it is better to lie in your hammock quietly watching
and taking it all in.

Possum here: MUM!!! That Ernie kid is picking on me!

Mum here: No Possum he is not picking on you he is telling you what you
wanted to know, he is telling you a truth. That is not picking.

Possum here: HUMP! I shoulda knowed you would take his side.

Ernie kid, I do lay in my hammock to watch what is going on!

Ernie here: Yes Possum you do lie in your hammock quietly when no one
is in the room. When mum or anyone else comes in you jump up and start
dancing and digging at the cage bars as though you have not seen the
outside of the cage in weeks. That blasted toy Miss Lisa O. sent you;
talks as much as you do! How can you learn anything when you do not sit
quiet and listen?

Possum here: What ever!!!!! I am going to tell some news now, so just
leave me to it! Our Jojo is at Rainbow Bridge. He gots real sick so
miss Cathy R tooks him to see our favorite doc. Miss Donna went to get
him to come home. But he had to leave for Rainbow Bridge anyway. I get
so so sad for our mum. Mum takes the ones that do not get to be here
long hardest. She says they hardly get to know how loved they are
before they leave. MEG WENT TO RAINBOW BRIDGE TOO.

Mum hosted the ferret lovers club Christmas party here at the shelter,
it was a fun time! We even had some new people come to the party. Mr.
Ken and miss tiara are the new ones that was here to join us. There was
lots and lots of people, food and fun. If you want to know more about
the club go here. http://ferretloversuny.org/

Miss Cathy r came the day before to help mum get floors mopped and
things ready to set up on Sunday. Miss Stephanie, Miss Kristie, and her
daughter Katrina came real early Sunday to help mum get things set up.
Miss Mary brought a super size gift basket to raffle. That basket sure
was a super super size, it brought us lots of cash, so thank you Miss
Mary and all who sent money to buy tickets. Miss Mary is so good at
making gift baskets; they are so beautiful, and full of ferrety things.

Here are the picture links of the party pictures. Thanks Mr. Harry for
putting them up for mum.

Miss Stephanie did a serving tray raffle for us too! Mum says we are so
blessed because we have so many many humans that do so much to help her
feed us and take care of us. Miss Stephanie took Christmas pictures of
fur kids for anyone that wanted them. Cept NO ONE wanted a picture of
me! Mum says, Miss Stephanie is the most talented and creative person
mum knows. Mum got word that the baker bunch, Miss Cathy d. Nancy and
Sara s AND MISS DONNA D. were all sick so they could not come to the
party. Mum says phew! she sure thanks them for not coming to share what
they had! Mum gets enough of sharing from the little 2 legged germ
factories she carries around on that big yellow thingy she drives every

Ernie here: My turn Possum; please. Miss Mary and Miss Joy came in on
January 1 to bring 5 new shelter kids from Fulton. These babies needed
to be saved so Mary and Joy did the transport for mum. Miss Ret did the
phone calls cuz mum don't like talking on the phone, especially when
she has to talk to humans that wants to throw away fur kids. Mum finds
it hard to be nice. She can be nice on the puter cause she can walk
away get over being crabby, then answer them, but the phone she can't
do that. Thanks you guys for helpen mum save these kids. 2 of the 5 are
having a heard time settling in and being happy. I know how that is
because I felt the same way when I came here. I did not understand that
the humans that had me left me. The humans that had me moved away and
left me and Luke locked in the cage in an apartment that no was living
in, so no one knew we were there. We went several days before the land
lord discovered we had been left behind. I am happy now but for a while
shelter mum had to force feed me Duck soup (the REAL Duck soup) and
medicine because I was trying to die. Mum tolds me one morning I know
you are trying to die, so if that is what you want you will have to do
it with me fighting to keep you alive. I am glad mum made me see it was
going to be okay living here, that she was going to love us, keep us
warm, fed and clean. I like it here now. I also has a far away mom in
Oswego NY so she sends me nice things and pampers me. Mum is just going
to have to teach Louie and Sebastian they will like it here too.

Possum here: OH pleeeease! You're supposed to be telling news not
telling sob stories!

Mum here: That is enough Possum! The news is getting long so finish
it up!

Possum here: Fine! You always take Ernie's side. We had new kids come
to camp, the Donahue kids, they had a good time. We had new humans come
to see us, they want to adopt. They played with Jack and Jill but Jill
was being a poop that day. So mum got them Winkin, Blinkin, and Nodd
out to play with. The girls fell in love with Jason and Jackie. Mum was
pretty impressed with Jason and Jackie too. Oh! Oh Miss Anna w. came to
help she stayed with us for 4 days! She got every scrap of laundry done
for mum, all the cans and bottles done. there were lots too and she
mixed up several buckets of food. Mum says she is welcome to bust buns
anytime she wants to. Mum won the ferret depot grant this year for us.
Stacie came to our house to build a cabinet for mum that she did not
have time to put together. Miss Donna and Miss Stacie was here last
weekend helpen mum, so mum got pictures of them working so she could
send them to PetSmart for the contest she is working on. Miss Kristie
came to help on Sunday Okay we has enough news for now, I want
everybody to write to mum and tell here I do not need the Ernie kid
helpen with the news. Till next month.

Senior reporter Possum
Andy: watching from Rainbow Bridge
Ernie: Maybe the Cub-reporter?

Our Shopping Mall

International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter

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