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Sun, 18 Nov 2007 12:09:54 EST
text/plain (32 lines)
::::Issy and Tonks whiling away the afternoon lolling in the hammock::::
Issy did you hear what Aunty Wolfy said about us adopting a
Black-Footed ferret?

Yeah! OMG what a great idea. We can adopt a BFF kinda like Brad and
Angelina adopted a baby from Africa, but we will go to South Dakota

Oh Oh Oh and instead of Brangelina, people can call us Tonksabella!
:::snort:: dats funny!

And we have the perfect person to help us. TRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVIS
c'mere, I need you! :::whispering::: Quick Tonks throw the book again.

Sigh.....what on earth can the little princess want this time, no one
told me domesticated ferrets where this much trouble. Yes Issy what???

::::batting eyes::: Hi Travis, Can you come tell Tonks and I about
Black -Footed Ferrets, and how we can adopt one? We want to a have
a baby.

::Tonks mumbles under his breath:::: WE do? What's this we stuff, Issy
must have a mouse in her pocket.

:::Issy elbows Tonks:::: hush Tonks. Now Travis, lets talk babies here.

Okay, let me go get a book with pictures, so I can explain.

[Posted in FML 5795]