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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0702 5469 26 55_Re: Speak out on Ecological damage and our animals [OT][log in to unmask], 7 Feb 2007 04:45:38 EST657_- >From: Pat Stauffer <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Sad and cute CA Se Otters

This is indeed a sad tale Pat, but thanks for puttbr>To help with all your ferret gifting needs the folks here have sleeper
gift sets to offer. AVAILABLE NOW through DEC 1st ONLY (or until sold
out whatever comes first)!

EACH HOLIDAY GIFT SET CONTAINS: [...]46_3Nov200617:57:[log in to unmask] 0611 2910 22 29_Perhaps the Forest Service...7_R [log in to unmask], 3 Nov 2006 17:57:52 -0500234_- ...could take a lesson from them! Imagine letting a natural predator
actually control the prey!

http://www.hertsessexnews.co.uk/news/mercury/royston_mercury/2006/11/03/ferrets%20unleashed%20in%20war%20against%20rabbits.lpf38_3Nov200617:57:[log in to unmask] 0611 2933 13 22_scooter and his [log in to unmask], 3 Nov 2006 15:36:17 -0800277_- >From: R Downs <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Wheels in Steamboat Springs, CO

renee, thanks for showing this. this is what being a slave to carpet
sharks is all about. love on your babies and have a great weekend.

[Posted in FML 5416]49_3Nov200615:36:[log in to unmask] 0611 2947 155 26_Prairie Dog poisoning (OT)7_R [log in to unmask], 3 Nov 2006 07:09:47 -0500626_- If you just weren't sure your letter about the need to protect the
prairie dogs and BFFs, go read

Last year it was my honor to participate in the annual BFF roundup in
South Dakota. I must say that it was a wonderful experience. What made
it more wonderful is that the two people who were in Meteetsee and
rescued the LAST 18 BFFs were there, too. One of them, now a Prairie
Wildlife Organization employee, said to me, "It is always about the
people. Sometimes the ferrets ought to win." What people don't realize
is that when one [...]38_3Nov200607:09:[log in to unmask] 0611 3103 24 34_Ferrets needing a home, Passaic NJ12_Steve [log in to unmask], 4 Nov 2006 23:33:37 -0500466_- -if anyone can help this shelter out.

Alize and Capone are the most adorable pair of ferrets ever! Alize is
the white male ferret and Capone is the female dark ferret. They are
both very cute and cuddly. Their owner could no longer keep them and
so they were brought to the Passaic Animal Shelter in Passaic, NJ.
Alize and Capone are both very young and friendly. If you are looking
to adopt a ferret, please consider this pretty pair!! [...]37_4Nov200623:33:[log in to unmask] 0611 3128 68 32_THE FERRET HEALTH LIST IS MOVING14_Sukie [log in to unmask], 4 Nov 2006 13:46:07 -0500354_- [Moderator's note: This post is about The Ferret HEALTH List (FHL), not
The Ferret MAILING List (FML), which is what you're reading now. The
Ferret Health List is all about ferret health (duh!) and ONLY ferret
health. It's a great, focused, electronic list and highly recommended.
The FML is not moving again -- we just did that! BIG] [...]41_4Nov200613:46:[log in to unmask] 0611 3197 35 10_SaraFerret15_Muldoone [log in to unmask], 4 Nov 2006 16:54:56 -0800380_- Note from Muldoone's human:

Our friend and fellow Bridge Greeter SaraFerret's human is very ill and
in the hospital. I have been in contact with her husband, he has been
keeping me updated about her and I have spoken once to her by phone. I
hope that you will all join me in keeping SaraFerret's human in your
prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. [...]45_4Nov200616:54:56-0800muldoonefer
Fri, 3 Nov 2006 22:15:07 -0500
text/plain (23 lines)
I`m glad to say that a brand new Petsmart is opening on 11/4 in
Millville, N.J., that`s about 30 miles less to travel for myself....
Just an FYI for anyone in South Jersey. 

I`ll check to see if this store has joined the other Petsmarts, in the
"trial" period of selling kits. I guess that once "every" Petsmart
store handles kits, the "Trial" period will be over. Petsmart is one 
of the finest, if not THE finest, chain petstores in the USA, in my
opinion,....just wish they wouldn`t be a part of the problem of
"unwanted" 'future' adult ferrets sitting in the many
recues/sanctuaries/shelters all around the country!...

Some day, maybe, in a perfect world! 

ohn Rich & the n.j. gang, USA. 

P>S>, Help out these 'unwanted' ferts on the "Giving Tree", and help
one or two out!...They need the help! jdr. john rich 

[Posted in FML 5416]