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Tue, 16 Jan 2007 12:44:42 EST
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Cody and I when he was a Baby
six years and 8 months ago

Good Morning Everyone

I know I have not been active on the prayer list lately or my other
groups and I am sorry please forgive me but, it is hard with my hands
and shoulders the way they are. They hurt so bad after I type any
letter so I try to make them brief. I had to write this one as it is
so important.

Most of you know my Sweet Cody Ferret has not been well and tonight I
am taking him to DR Wagner to make a final decision weather to let him
go or to try something else. That tumor on his tummy is terrible it is
the size of a gulf ball now and it seems to be trying to travel across
his tummy. His jaws are starting to swell up and I am wondering if that
is from the tumor or if he has a bad tooth.

Cody is still eating on his own and he loves his soup we feed him. He
also still walks around and he doesn't seem to be in any pain but all
ferret people know how ferrets hide their pain.

He still loves to sit on my lap and shower me with kisses. I spoke
with DR Wagner and without seeing him I told him about his tumor still
growing and his mouth swelling up. He seems to think it is time to let
him go and I trust him but will not make that decision until he can
see him and look at his teeth.

Pastor Mounts my Pastor once told his congregation when in Doubt Don't
and I have tried to live by that statement. I still have doubts about
letting him go and will have to see what Wagner says tonight. If I have
to for his sake I will but how I will live without him I don't know he
is the love of my life. Please just pray for the right decision to be
made and should it be to let him cross the bridge please pray I can
accept that decision.

Also most of you know I have to go in the hospital on Monday the 22nd
to have a jumbo spur removed from my right shoulder and also have
carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand. I have been in terrible pain
and haven't been able to sleep or type or do much of anything lately.
Please also pray for me that the surgery goes well on both and I will
recover quickly as to lift the burden from my daughter for she has
mostly been taking care of the shelter on her own plus keeping up with
the house and running my papers too a 1000 customers. When the good
Lord gave her to me I sure was blessed beyond anything I can imagine.

Once I have totally recovered I must go back in the hospital to have
the left shoulder done. I just pray it will be quick and I can get
back to my normal life and duties as a Shelter Mom.

Thank You all for being here for me and Terry thanks for always posting
my prayer request I know you have a heavy load to carry yourself. God
sure did know what he was doing when he gave you this ministry. So
many wonderful prayer warriors on this list and you will all reap
many rewards one day when we stand before our God and our Savior
Jesus Christ.

Again thank you all for all you have done for me and for others.
God Bless You Abundantly
Hugs Love and Prayers
Helen, Cody and all the Shelter kids

[Posted in FML 5490]