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Thu, 4 Jan 2007 21:32:49 -0500
Ann Gruden <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
[2-part post combined]

Jim -

I hear you, and I think anyone who has sheltered can relate.
Eventually, almost every small animal shelter will face the same issues
eventually unless they have secure, long-term funding (ie. endowments);
and a well thought through, flexible and solid replacement plan - as in
who will replace the shelter operator/s; or take the animals in your
care should you no longer be able to provide that care. It's something
the FACT board has faced and while not perfect or as fool-proof as we'd
like (no plan CAN be) as least we have some contingencies in place.

I state that as we have seen it happen over and over again in the past
20 years. We don't like it; we can all moan about it; but that's life.
People get old, tired, losse jobs, get married, divorced, ill or, most
sadly, pass on. We all have to just buckle up and accept that.
Separately I will address some of the funding issues that have been
percolating. As those who know me :) are most likely aware I have some
pretty strong opinions/thoughts on that issue! ;)

As for your immediate problem.

FACT is willing to take between 1 and 3 of your 34. We are also willing
to help defray some of the costs of moving them down from Maine - as in
someone's gas, and if it came to it a hotel stay (not knowing just how
far North you are); then that if necessary.

We are fortunate to have a number of shelters in the Northeast. If
everyone takes 1 or 2, the "problem" will be licked. 34 is not a large
number. As FerretWise and other shelters know, we've dealt with larger
numbers - as has any shelter that's been in existence for any length of
time. And 1 or 2 more is just another notch in the old belt. We will
have to do what we have to do!

Continuing -

What we do need is some help from the Northeast Ferret community that
do not run shelters and/or who have the time to a) coordinate who is
willing to take how many b) when this can be done (we are in winter
after all - even IF it's been unseasonably mild). b) we need someone
who will make the trip and/or coordinate logistics. We may be able to
move them South with some stops along the way - but the goal should be
as few overnights as possible and hand-offs to reduce the stress of
resettling them. Realistically though with people's schedules, we may
need some halfway houses along the road where other shelters can go to
pick up their allotment. Those halfway houses just need to be
ferret-savvy folk, and do not need to be a shelter...

Jim we will need you to pull together all the information possible on
each animal. Who sleeps with who; who needs to stay together. Fight
issues; health issues, immunization and health records; copies of your
intake contracts if you have them so that we are authorized to take
these animals. They will need some means of identification - heaven
forbid an accident along the way with that many ferrets - that would
be a nightmare. We have had good luck with different color fingernail
polish on various ferret nails (don't laugh! We board and shelter - and
no one wants to start confusing ferrets!!!). We code them (2 toes on
the right on the right front paw etc) and map it on paper. This is only
good for a short time as the polish does wear off. Short of shaving
hair, it's pretty effective.

So the ball will need to start in your court; the volunteers (at least
1 or 2 for logistics) and who knows how many drivers; and we will need
to have shelters raise their hands on how many they can take will need
to work with you to map out who goes where. I think we should consider
shelters in the entire Northeast corridor from Maine down into NJ/PA.
That way no one is overwhelmed. Not all shelters subscribe to the FML -
so please when they are id'd let the coordinators know if you CANNOT
take any as well as how many you CAN take as the others will need to
be called.

Others' please feel free to weigh in with
recommendations/suggestions/but above all with a desire to help.

Oh yes - if anyone was thinking of adopting and you are too FAR from a
local shelter, this might be the time to raise your hand as well. :)

Ann Gruden
Ferret Association of Connecticut

[Posted in FML 5478]