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Mon, 23 Oct 2006 03:30:41 -0400
text/plain (62 lines)
> From:    Cinnamon Sprite <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Pet Supplies Plus
>>No, I am not. Please read my original post more closely. They had
>>a ferret in there *who was chewing on a plastic litterbox, & that
>>section of the litterbox was already missing small pieces*.
>A ferret chewing on something, imagine that. I've had ferrets that
>have chewed litter boxes, and a number of other items as well. I have
>one that once ate a hole the circumference of a grapefruit from a
>t-shirt. How she managed to not only swallow it but also pass it whole
>is beyond me. Point is, ferret's chew on things, that's hardly a sign
>of abuse or neglect.
>>They banned me from their store, cos I had the unmitigated gall to
>>*bring it to their attention.*
>Perhaps it wasn't that you called it to their attention but the manner
>in which you may have done so, particularly if you'd been "calling
>things to their attention" on an ongoing basis.

Why I'm bothering to explain this again, in simpler terms, I don't
know, but for the *last time*: Over the course of 6 (SIX) yrs, I have
made 2 (TWO) calls to corporate over filthy conditions. In both of
those cases, they saw what I saw, & called me to thank me for bringing
it to their attention, & that the store had been told to clean things
up. I called the *store* mgr on 1 (ONE) occasion, to ask about underage
kits being delivered to their store. Oddly enough, not long after I
mentioned it, they stopped accepting underage kits. And, 1 (ONE) yr
ago, PSP's corporate & I *worked together* to find out why 8-in-1 was
cranking out moldy FerretBites, & I was thanked heartily by the
corporate folks for doing so - &. BTW, by the quality control
supervisor at 8-in-1 itself. And now, I'm suddenly "harrasing" them,
due to one casual & offhanded statement? Is the ridiculousness of this
situation clear to you *now*?

Let's face it - you weren't there. You have no idea what transpired,
the tone of voice used (which, BTW, was just mentioned in a "oh, if you
haven't noticed.....you might want to look at that when you have a
chance"), or what was said over the phone (a) to me by the regional
mgr, or (b) to my husband by the corporate's customer service person -
most of which were comprised of lies, in both cases.

I'm not asking you, or anyone *else* to agree w/ *anything* I say. I
simply mention it, in case anyone here *is* interested in how some
businesses treat customers unfairly over the pickiest, most
unreasonable things. And, judging from the contents of my inbox, there
seems to be considerable support. I suspect PSP will have a fair amount
of emails to deal w/ come Mon morning - not a barrage by any means, but
a noticeable amount - from people who *are* upset at what happened -
many of whom have been treated the same way as I have been, by PSP or
other pet store chains.

Therefore, my suggestion to you would be - ignore me. None of your
nit-picking will change the facts of the matter, nor anyone else's
opinions, no matter how hard you try. Ok? Thanks a mil.

Lin, Ariel, Oberon, Max, Puck, & Ivan

[Posted in FML 5405]