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Mon, 20 Nov 2006 12:51:37 -0500
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Ariel: 6.5 yrs old, the sable alpha of the group, even though she only
weighs 1.5 lbs. Arrrrrrriel Sweeeeeetiepie! My first fuzzy, I've had
her since she was 10 wks old, from a small private breeder. When I pick
her up, she puts her head on my left shoulder & grabs my right index
finger w/ her front paw (seriously - she *grabs* it!). She's our
Miracle Baby. At age 3, she was diagnosed w/ a heart problem that's
completely undocumented as occurring in ferrets. Our wonderful vet, Dr
B, is keeping very detailed records on her, & when the day comes
(hopefully, very far in the future) when she's no longer w/ us, her
story will be published in the veterinary journals. A condition that
could easily have killed her, she's being kept healthy on about $6
worth of medicine a month. She's also on Lupron for her 2nd adrenal.
Despite all that, she's very active & happy. She doesn't play rough
anymore, but she can hold her own when one of the boys decides it
would be fun to jump her!

Oberon: 5.5 yrs old, an MF panda/blaze ferret from a pet store. Deaf,
although we discovered a few yrs ago that he can hear very high
frequencies. The house painters dragged their metal ladder across the
front of the house when they were scraping paint, which resulted in a
"fingernails on a blackboard" sound - which Oberon whipped his head
directly to. Our Big Silly Boy. Has the longest fangs I've ever seen.
When he's playing w/ the other boys, he gets so excited, he'll roll
over - fast - tons of times in a row! When he goes barreling across
the floor in a dead run, he reminds me of Grimmy from "Mother Goose &

Max: Probably about Oberon's age, he was adopted from Ferrets Unlimited
Ferret Shelter. Another deaf boy, who was originally a cinnamon
panda/blaze, but who's roaned into a marked white. Maxie Boy. He's the
world's biggest playbaby, & when he gets really excited, he can jump
straight up in the air farther than any ferret I've ever seen. He
reminds me of John Belushi from "Animal House". He loves to lay right
in the middle of the room, on his back like an otter, just waiting for
anyone to stop & rub his belly.

Puck: 2.5 yrs old, yet another deaf boy, an MF panda/blaze. Silly Baby
Boy, PuckPuckPuckPuckPuck. The perfect model - gorgeous & stupid. Throw
a ball to him, once it goes past his view directly in front of him, it
doesn't exist. Scratch his butt, & he'll kiss you frantically for days.
I think he knows how pretty he is, cos you can usually find him laying
around, looking like he's posing.

Ivan: Same age as Puck, a rescue from our local humane society. Doesn't
seem to know his name at all. 200% ferret - he's a perpetual motion
machine, solid muscle, & non-stop funny boy. The only ferret who
doesn't respect Ariel's authority, so they can't play together. My
biggest boy, at almost 3 lbs. Talks almost non-stop - the faster he
moves, the faster he mutters under his breath. He could be playing
like a madman, but as soon as you shake the treat container, he spazzes
out across the room & dives into the cage. Last night, when he heard
the treats coming, he bounced sideways so hard that he bowled Max &
Oberon right over. King of the Tubes.

Lin, Ariel, Oberon, Max, Puck, & Ivan

email me at: kay tee en eye el at double-u owe aich dot ar ar dot see
owe em

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