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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0703 224 26 52_Political statement under the guise of a ferret post7_R [log in to unmask], 28 Feb 2007 22:19:01 -0500403_- Well, maybe not really, because I don't really know Guiliani. However,
I do think this post is really quite revealing about the man. It really[log in to unmask] 0611 15253 39 48_Announcing the Great Raw/Kibble Limerick [log in to unmask], 19 Nov 2006 21:14:53 -0500352_- Dear Ferret Folks-

If this thing must continue, I say we should rise up as a group, and
wrest some enjoyment from the debate. I propose a contest, for the best
Limerick on either the subject of Raw Feeding or Kibbleculture. You may
submit an entry for either camp, heck, one for each if you are feeling
particularly inspired. [...]42_19Nov200621:14:[log in to unmask] 0611 15293 37 18_Re: Pedantic Patty7_R [log in to unmask], 19 Nov 2006 19:12:56 -0500584_- >Renee wrote (that has a certain ring to it doesn't it?):
>>I don't THINK so! patty is pedantic and Shirley is not alliterative
>>with that! Anyway... you can be Surley Shirley, do-it Hewitt or
>>Curley Chewit. But, pedantic Shirley? nah, doesn't work."
>I see. You mean I can be shaken, but not stirred.

Dearest Shoiley, should memory serve correctly, I have NEVER seen you
shaken. I have however, found time with you to be quite stirred up.
Atlanta was quite stirring, was it not? Or, was that St. Louis? [...]39_19Nov200619:12:[log in to unmask] 0611 15331 69 15_being most [log in to unmask], 19 Nov 2006 19:17:48 +0800613_- Sukie wrote:
> Whoa! Let's separate out some stuff now to be most fair!
>Bedding material blockage happened in some peoples ferrets due to the
>TYPE of material used: fake fleeces which do not break down, again,
>not a food issue."

This is absolutely a food issue! Ferrets that are fed a natural diet
have their desire to chew satisfied and will NEVER, ever, in a million
years chew bedding. Even if they eat their food on fluffy bedding that
sheds, a natural diet is enough to carry the fibres through the
digestive tract without causing harm to the ferret [...]42_19Nov200619:17:[log in to unmask] 0611 15401 36 33_Re: Carnivore-RICH FORGOT SOMEONE5_Amy [log in to unmask], 19 Nov 2006 06:32:20 -0500718_- >From: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Carnivore-AMY/SHIRLEY...
>This will be very short....apparently since they were the only ones to
>find a way to change my words around, AGAIN,....I`ll repeat this....>

You forgot Sukie, interesting since she even made a post yesterday
about how we three agreed on something - your comment being
incorrect. :)

>I`m still trying to figure out what Amy meant by saying, while
>referring to my post,.." The best diet for a carnivore, is a diet for
>a carnivore!"...????....don`t think I ever will...Why must something
>said in a way a first grader would understand easily, be made into a
>"Let`s [...]45_19Nov200606:32:[log in to unmask] 0611 15438 35 31_natural diet/kibble [log in to unmask], 19 Nov 2006 13:51:05 -0800583_- As someone who is currently really interested in the natural diet, and
just starting out, I was appalled when I read this statement:

>The reason is simple: too many times, because of my being known here
>and because of my being a co-moderator on the FHL, I have had people
>ask me behind the scenes for information on how to treat possible food
>poisoning from raw food given to ferrets. I am not a vet! Besides
>that, there are multiple
Sun, 19 Nov 2006 18:33:01 EST
text/plain (15 lines)
If anyone is interested in getting these eggs, I have a person that
I have been dealing with for the past year and a half getting them
for myself as well as having a ton of them to a shelter last year
for christmas. Her work is great and they really last. I have just
purchased more from her as now with a kitten, they battle over them
constantly. Please email me and I will give you her info. I have
permission from her to give the information out.

And The Troublesome Threesome
Lucifer, Kyba and Shea

[Posted in FML 5432]