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Thu, 28 Sep 2006 23:59:28 -0500
text/plain (72 lines)
Hi all dis be SaraFerret.  Sorry for delay.  I has been having de (pant
pant pants) again=de always hit every so often but wowsie, pant, pant
pants, dey sure pant pant puts me in pant pant bed for a while pant pant.
darn dem.  pant pant.  Sowwy.  I hopes you is patient wit me pant pant.
Also my human Mommy has not been well, pant pant.
Well anyway back to my greetings.  Pant-pant-pant-pant-pants.  Oh rats!!!
Buddy came across de bridge awhiles back pant, pant pant, strange ting
tho, a little cat name Boots came up to de entrance of de bridge and says
I am Buddy's friend and I cant come in, but I wants to make sure he gots
here ok.  I sures am gonna miss him, he has biggie tears in his eyes.
Wowsie now dats devotion--I couldnt remmber a time when I had seen dat
happen.  But Buddy waves goodbye to his good friend and he seemed to
know who I was even before I introduced mysselfs-so anyways I tells him
I is SaraFerret, de Bridge greeter to welcome him to his new home where
he will have no pain unless he looks for it.  I guess occasionally
(dictionary agagin) and I occasionally look for it by sniffing those darn
daisies which I definitly has been told not to do.  Pant-pant-pant-pants.
Buddy looks at me and says wowsie Ms SaraFerret yous sure have a serious
case of de pant pants.  Yeppers you noticed I said trying to joke.  He
consoled me instead of me consoling him.  Dat Buddy has a future maybe
as a bridge greeter--what a diplomat.
Okay when he gots across he was met by St Francis, our patron saint and
by his business who had gone before him and wowsie was he thrilled.  He
lookedat dere wings and den looked at mine.  If you donts mind me asking
Ms SaraFerret, why is your wings white and dere's different colors.
Well, Buddy, dat is one of de few perks of our job.  We gets white wings
like de big angels dat look after humans, cuz we carry biggie loads.
Our jobs are no real walk in a park if you get my drift.  He says well I
can understand it sounds like it might be a bit difficult.  (Wowsie, dis
ferret sounds like he could be one dat when times get really difficult
you could go over and cwy on his shoulders--not too many of dose.) Anyway
Buddy.  Do you wants to go over to Kit and Kaboodle and choose your
wings?  Sure he says--can my family goes wit me?  Sure anybody who wants
to.  So a large group troops over dere.  And Aunt Mary Ferret meets us at
de door.  I swear dat ferret must have radar.  She can spot a new ferret
ferret from de beginning of de bridge-prolly from de moment he starts to
pass away on earth.  She probably starts figuring out what color and kind
of wings he/she will need.
So she walks around Buddy--asks what color and interest he has.  He says
helikes tubes races and toys and bright red tings.  Okay she says.  And
she climbs to de highest shelf.  Buddy races over to help her.  She says
oh no young man I am still able to do this, but thank you any way, I can
tell your human mommy raised you right.  Of course Buddy blushes.  Down
came and big box marked special ferret.  And out came a bright very
blinding bright red pair of wings.  Hey Santy Claus can always use him at
night for guiding the sleigh but I digress (dictionary again), and trys
dem on him and sets about wit nips and tucks until perfection.  He looks
gorgeous and dey look perfect not at all bright as we thought dey would
be.  Dey just fit him perfect/ We get his halo on him, and he is ready to
go.  But first he kisses Auntie Mary on de cheek and thanks her for her
time.  Of courss she blushes.
Well I guess de group must have hired de mousey angels to pur on a biggie
spread and dey has been working dere little pink buns off--dose little
angels love parties and trust me dey do know how to put on a party.  Dey
tell Buddy dey have a biggie party planned for him and dey invite me (one
advantage of being a greeter) and off we go.  Biggie sign on de den says
WELCOME HOME BUDDY.  We go in and de rugs are rolled up and litter pans
are discreetly placed in corners, food is our on de table--wowsie it
looks good and I am so hungry (I is always hungry), and de music is on
de jukebox and ferrets are already dancing and it promises to be a good
I am signing off for now.
Hugs and love from de Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 5380]