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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0710one of those palm reader/psychic places
and was told that, by reading her paw, her lucky number is seven....
Here's the kicker: Izzy realized that July 7th is coming soon, so what
does the Bridezilla do? She changes everything on us!!! Now that she
knows (thinks) that 7 is her lucky number, the wedding to Tonks has
been changed at her request to 07-07-07. [...]53_15Jun200719:16:[log in to unmask] 0706 9908 19 18_A [log in to unmask], 15 Jun 2007 07:13:42 -0700413_- No Way! Ms Isabella is a refined lady and she should be pampered! Super
Tonks is a Super Hero and he should support her in style. If he can't,
I, Mr. Max, will gladly marry her and give her the Sun, the stars,
the Moon, and an endless supply of Ferretvite! I would buy her soft,
quilted hammies and toys galore!A lady like her is very rare and like
no other (except for my sister ShooShoo). [...]43_15Jun200707:13:[log in to unmask] 0706 9928 14 12_Octupus eggs12_Robin [log in to unmask], 15 Jun 2007 15:29:16 -0500233_- Crocheted Octopus Eggs back on ebay it is vieirarob but under a
different name

sellers name is vieiraferrets

check them out only has 1 up for now in 4th July colors get while
you can.

[Posted in FML 5640]39_15Jun200715:29:[log in to unmask] 0706 9943 18 14_Feret fix [TX]14_ron [log in to unmask], 16 Jun 2007 05:01:59 -0500467_- I have had quite a few ferrets over the years. I had to find homes
for a few carpet sharks here in the Abilene, Texas area. I wasn't a
shelter, but then again this area wold't really support one I don't
think. Anyway I had to quit becaus my elderly employer, who I lived
with wouldn't have them. Since I lived with him...you get the picture.
Anyway, I anone in the Abilene area need a feret placed, I am in need
of a long overdue ferret fix. [...]41_16Jun200705:01:[log in to unmask] 0706 9962 24 12_Kath [log in to unmask], 16 Jun 2007 14:32:14 EDT361_- Okay, I know this won't suprise those of you that know me. But I made
a oops when I posted last night about getting your issue of Ferrets
Magazine with the article about Kat Parsons signed by Kat. It should
have read:

Then send your magazine AND a self addressed STAMPED envelope to:

Kat Parsons
P.O. Box 285
Cairo, IL 62914 [...]37_16Jun200714:32:[log in to unmask] 0706 9987 74 60_Huge Bisquit gift: know Karen Poehlein/ Derby Eggs and [log in to unmask], 16 Jun 2007 23:00:53 EDT389_- Hello to all. My condolences to all who have suffered loses of their
little loved ones. It has not been a kind last few weeks for a number
of people I know in the community.

Zoo of Zoos Ferret Sanctuary received two large boxes of hand made
ferret bedding for Bisquit from a Karen Poehlein.. I do not know her,
to the best of my knowledge. Anyone know her email? [...]40_16Jun200723:00:[log in to unmask] 0706 10062 42 57_Company at Zoo`s Ferret Sanctuary--and gifts for [log in to unmask], 16 Jun 2007 22:36:31 -0500332_- Yesterday (Friday) Renee, Diana & Donna stopped by, on their way to
the symposium! We shared food, fun, ferrets, & friendship for several
hours. It was great to put faces with the names! They got to meet our
board of directors, our ferties, and my wonderful husband Kurt. There
was so much to talk about. [...]53_
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 21:48:49 EDT
text/plain (29 lines)
Hello fellow ferret friends,

I just got off the phone with our friend Kat Parsons. Yes, it's true,
she's baaaaaaaaack! I was telling her how much I enjoyed the article
about her in the recent issue of Ferrets Magazine. (Good job Wolfy.)

While discussing the article a wee idea flew by. How would you like
your copy of Ferrets Magazine signed by Kat Parsons herself? Kat has
agreed to do this. Here is the catch. To get this wonderful collectors
item from this gem of the ferret community, I ask that you make a small
donation to SOS. That's it.

Then send your magazine AND a self addressed envelope to:

Kat Parsons
P.O. Box 285
Cairo, IL  62914
If you would like to make a donation to SOS, make all checks out to SOS
or if you wish to pay by paypal use account id #
[log in to unmask]

Thank you for supporting SOS.
Robin Jones

[Posted in FML 5640]