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Fri, 23 Mar 2007 14:06:34 -0500
text/plain (89 lines)
SaraFerret, accompanied by Fifi, Bebe, Sadie, and Buster, are taking a
rest at de Bridge waiting for Rikki to cross de Bridge. Dere he comes,
SaraFerret yells, and dere is no stopping him, he is in a hurry. I has
never seen such a movin ferret. Usually theys just trots across, but
dis one is really movins.

Rights den, Rikki runs rights into SaraFerret. WOOPH!!!!! SaraFerret,
after picking herself up from the bridge floor welcomes Rikki. Hiya
Rikki, I see from the notes dat you are a first ferret! Welcome! to
de Rainbow Bridge! As you can see, some of your business is alreadys
up heres.

Rikki (somewhat stunned from the sudden encounter wit SaraFerret and
out of breathe from the quick run is pantin), Pant-pant-pant, Uh-uh-uh,
hi guys and gals, and Mis Sara, pant-pant-pant. SaraFerret decides to
get him to relax. Okay Rikki, take deep breaths, breathe, relax,
breathe, relax. All of a sudden, Rikki notices he is no longer
pant-pant-panting. He sighs, Wowsie-I was afraids I was gonna do dat
forevers. De other ferrets start to giggle at dat remark.

Well Rikki, dis is your new forever home. I know you loved your Mommy
Jane. But we love you also. At that moment, all of his business step
forward with bouquets of flowers and rolled up documents in their paws.
They shower him wit de flowers. Its a special welcome to de bridge gift
to a first ferret. SaraFerret says to Rikki, I feel a special kinship
wit you as I was a first ferret and I know how much my mommy missed me
when I left to cross over de bridge. She still cwies whenever she tinks
of me which is quite often as she has to do dese posts. Rikki gets a
big tear in his eye tinking of Mommy Jane, and wonders aloud if he will
ever see her again. SaraFerret tells him in de long distant future dey
will dance and play at de bridge as you dont want her to come too soon.

But we have business to do. We has to get wings and a halo for you.
WINGS? Rikki, he shouts. Yes! wings, SaraFerret answers. Dont you see
that your business has wings? Oh yeah, sure, and you have wings too.
Okay! what color wings would you like? Oh any old color--I am not
picky, he says. All of his business are shocked. They debate among
theirselves. He has to pick a color. They talk with Rikki. Rikki, old
buddy, you should pick a color. SaraFerret finally ends the debate,
hey guys, stop it, right now, no more picking on de new ferret, just
stop it, I am drawing de line right now. If Rikki wants to take his
time den dat is Rikki's choice.

So I takes Rikki by himself witout his business to Kit and Kaboodle
to pick out his own set of wings. Dere are lots of wings laid out on
display which is unusual. Most times dey are usually boxed up wit
names. No one is about. Hmmmm. Okay Rikki, SaraFerret says. Takes your
times, takes all day if you wishes. Just looks at de wings. If dere
arent any you like, den we will check out de boxes up on de shelves
until you finds one you likes. (Did I mentions I likes first ferrets).

Rikki looks thru one group and den another and den another and finally
he finds de perfect set, and says dese remind me of Mommy Jane, Dey are
White wit yellow daffodills on dem. Wowsie, I says, I have never seen
dose before, dose are really sharp. Do you need help putting dem on?
Sure do, he says. Okay! So on with de wings and de halo. And den we go
look in de mirror. And SaraFerret watches Rikki proudly look at his
reflection. Vanity-Thy Name Is Ferret! Den we go out to meet de rest of
his business. Okay de choice met wit dere approval (and of course it
would have) and dey cheered as dey said de colors looked just like what
Mommy Jane would like.

The business is still clutching the documents as I lead Rikki over to
the secluded glen where de reflecting pool lies. We go down de path and
de water is still and quiet. We all sit down. I swishes de water around
and den motions Rikki to sit down besides me and he looks into de water
and all of a sudden he sees Mommy Jane wit tears in her eyes. She knows
Rikki is in a good place, but oh she misses her first ferret. Rikki
starts to yell, hi Mommy, its me, Rikki, hi Mommy, and all of a sudden,
one of de splashes falls down and splashes onto Mommy Jane and she
looks up and she knows dat Rikki did arrive at de Bridge. And she
starts to smile remembering the wonderful times they had. Den de
swirling stops and closes once again and de business circles around
Rikki and de start to read to Rikki de beautiful poetry dat Mommy
Jane sent to de Bridge Greeters to welcome him to de Rainbow Bridge
and Rikki was so happy.

At de end of it all, dey took Rikki to a party--dey invited me also,
but quite honesty--I had bridge duties to attend to and couldnt be
spared. But I so enjoyed de time I got to welcome another first ferret
to de Rainbow Bridge and reflected back to de time dis first ferret
stumbled across de bridge.

Loveys and dooks from de bridge

[Posted in FML 5556]