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Thu, 15 Mar 2007 17:44:50 -0500
text/plain (99 lines)
Today we find SaraFerret hanging out at the bridge entrance with Isabel
(she is the ferret who was thrown out of the car by her heartless
owners and was subsequently adopted by SaraFerret when she crossed the
bridge) and Jazzy. All of a sudden, a courier brings a note from the
Boss. She opens the note and reads "Jeep Ferret is crossing the

SaraFerret stifles a big yawn as it has been a long day--so many
ferrets have crossed today-must have been a major epizootic or sumting
on earth. Sigh! But what joy when a ferret is welcomed into the heart
of de Rainbow Bridge. And here comes Jeep living up to his name.

Dat ferret must have wheels on him. He is really rolling across de
bridge. Wait--where did he get dose wheels? Hmmmm! Yep, he does have
wheels--four of dem. He stops just as he rolls over my tail. Oops! he
says. Sowwy! Hi, I am SaraFerret,the bridge greeter and I am here to
welcome you here to your new life.

He looks at me and says I am Jeep and I am glad to be here and away
from all dat pain. I do miss Mommy Susan and my sisters Squeak and
Honey tho.

I tells him, I know you must miss dem very much, Jeep. By de way, where
did you get de wheels anyway.

Oh someone left dem by de bridge and I just hopped on dem and rolled
across. I tought dey were kinda cool. (I tought dis is one very clever
ferret-better group him wit some of my boys who can keep an eye on him
lest he gets into some major mischief). Hey Missy SaraFerret, ya wanna
know sumting? I can hear everyting you say now--where I was at Mommy
Susan's I couldnt hear anyting--she says I was born deaf. But now Is
can hear. I can hear birds sings and all dat.

Sure, I says, At de Bridge, we have no pain, no suffering, except
occasional tail pain when someone runs over our tail wit wheels. Jeep
cries Oh really, SaraFerret, I is sorry. I tells him its ok, but to be
careful and not to cause damage to other of de Boss's creations. Its
really ok to run and jump and play, but to be careful when we do dat
and to be careful of others when we do dat even of de mousey angels.

Well, Jeep asks, What do we do now? I says, Well, next ting we do is
get you outfitted wit wings and halo. Notice my wings and halo and
notice my sisters' wings and halos?

Jeep says, Yep, Dose sure look nice, kinda girly tho. Do you have
anyting for guy ferrets?

Oh of course we have quite a selection for de guys, I tells him. So off
we trots to Kit and Kaboodle, where of course no one is waiting. Where
oh where is Auntie Mary Ferret? A box is sitting on the counter and is
marked Jeep (if he wants them). Of course Jeep goes over dere and opens
de box and his mouth falls open as he looks at de wings and he gently
picks dem up wit his paws. A beautiful pair of medium shade of lavender
wings with black stripes (black must be in this season). I asks him if
he wants me to help him wit de wings as dey can be a bit tricky de
first few times. He tells me he needs some help. Okay on wit de wings
and den de halo and its a bit lopsided and rakish--we straighten it

And then we take him over to the mirror to show him how he looks. Oh
wowsie, he cries, Oh wowsie, I wishes, dat Mommy Susan could see me

I tells him dat maybe later it could be arranged. So you really like
your sings, I asks. Oh you betcha, Jeep dooks.

Well, how would you like to meet some new friends that you could stay
wit for awhile and have dem show you around. One is a newcomer, his
name is Trooper; and de other two are from my business- dere names are
Dude and Ernest.

Jeep says, Hey dat would be great. A new one like me and two other guys
to show me de ropes of de place.

But first, I tells Jeep, Dere is a special place I wants to take you.
We walk a little bit to a secluded glen and dere is small pool of blue
water. Come and sit beside me Jeep, I tells him. He sits down. Now
swirls de water around for a bit. While he swirls de water around, he
starts he see de house where he had lived and den he sees inside de
house and den he sees Mommy Susan crying biggie tears and den he starts
trowing kisses to her and all of a sudden, Mommy Susan feels a kiss
fall upon her and she looks up startled wondering where it came from
inside de house and all of a sudden she realizes dat she sent a letter
to de Rainbow Bridge and dis must be her answer dat her ferret had sent
her saying he is ok and dat he loves her. One day long into de distant
future he will meet her at de bridge and dey will play together

So SaraFerret and Isabel and Jazzy and Jeep go off to meet with his
new buddies, Trooper, Dude, and Ernest to begin there new lives at de
bridge where dere will be no pain, no suffering, play, and joy for all


[Posted in FML 5548]