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Mon, 12 Mar 2007 05:43:17 -0700
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Dear Big and FML members,

I apologize that this situation has turned into a three ring circus.
Emotions are running high. It is difficult in any bad situation to not
let emotions get involved, especially where innocent lives (animals,
children...etc) are concerned. There is nothing wrong with sharing our
emotions with our families and friends and the FML, to many of us, is
a family. We are here to lend support to one another, not to fight,
not to sling "mud balls" at one another. I am ashamed to admit that I
am just as guilty of participating and for that I apologize.

Where the McKay family is concerned, I, personally, do not wish to
cause ANY harm. It may seem so by what we are doing and what we have
said. I do not. All I wish for is to get these ferrets into a safe and
clean environment and give them a chance to experience life as a loved
and cherished ferret should and to keep future ferrets from enduring
the same fate. If in fact the ferrets are his "lively hood" and means
of support, then I realize that we "may" cause a bit of discomfort,
however, my tax dollars are there to help support those in need that
are elderly and/or ill and cannot physically work to survive. There are
thieves and drug dealers that rely on their "business" to live, we see
nothing wrong with getting involved in that to stop them from their
harmful and destructive "living", in my opinion, this shouldn't be any
different. The ferrets shouldn't fall victim to someones livelihood
anymore than our children should fall victim to drug dealers or

This is my last post where the "flame war" is concerned, as I feel that
my energy is of much better use with the "war" to save these ferrets.
For the most part, things were running pretty smoothly when we were all
focused helping the ferrets until someone came along and proclaimed a
flame war. We all certainly have the right to agree or disagree, but
unfortunately, this has turned into a war of personal attacks from name
calling to character debates. We all have have our "sides" but fighting
amongst ourselves isn't going to accomplish anything. It isn't going
to help these ferrets that are relying on us. Besides, in wasting our
energy fighting each other, it comes down to the fact that nobody wins.
It is a lose/lose situation. Lets put our energy and focus on the
ferrets, shall we?

With that said, lets fight the fight that needs fighting. Lets allow
the FML to remain a family and continue to be our "happy" place.

Lora Blaisdell
Michigan Ferret Rescue inc.

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still
I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do."
-- Helen Keller

[Posted in FML 5545]