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Mon, 12 Feb 2007 05:29:25 EST
text/plain (49 lines)
Hi everyone,

We're two of many people that went to LA/MS to rescue animals. No
matter what kind of animals in color, species, even wildlife animals,
get to be rescued. We've rescued from snakes, mice, ferrets, birds,
cows, horses, the list goes on. The unique part is zoo animals and
wildlife animals - they are different yet um...lack for better
words...wow! Ferrets has been rescued. Some has been lost. There are
classes going on right now in many states on different states, but I
highly, highly encourage you to register FAST because it gets booked
up so fast now. There's EARS, UAN, ASPCA, HSUS and few others. For
people who loves cats so much, check with Alley Cats - they're
fantastic. In fact, they're still working down there. Also, there's
Best Friends from Utah that works with everyone down there, too.

Last year, we've sent huge donations (from many people) filled with
cages, food, blankets, hammocks, the list goes on and it still gives
me goosebumps to think about it. If anyone is interested, I have the
photos during that time and down there. I stayed for few weeks at home
handling donations (didn't expect such huge response) stocking up,
pulling med students out of vet schools and many others to go down
there. It was wonderful. There are incredible feelings of ups and downs
in the rescues of animals. It is a very hard, very emotional, very
exciting for us. Katrina/Rita are the worst cases we've worked so far.
Classes will be very helpful in explaining the ups and downs as well as
the protocols, some with hands on experiences to practice with. You'll
learn valuable things such as safety, what to expect, and much more.
The more of you, the more I wardance. :)

Just a thought to keep in mind....it's easier to always keep a "good
sized" tough bag filled with all kinds - helmet, lights, batteries,
ax/hammer, protective outfits and other things in there all year for
emergency calls where you can just yank it and take off with few pick
ups. Best tip-is mosquito cover and clothing. Any questions, please
feel free to ask. We will be taking refresher classes this year for us
as well this summer. I just pray this kind of Katrina/Rita distaster
doesn't happen again, though. The more of volunteers, it would help us
enormously as many people often sleep for only 2 hours, more or less
due to not enough staff or volunteers in this enormous distaster last
year. We never dream it would come out this huge.

I wish I tell much more, but I'll stop for the editor's sakes. Smiles.


[Posted in FML 5517]