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Wed, 3 Jan 2007 21:50:29 -0500
Sue Pyron <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
 Better watch your keys, small flashlights, and any other WONDERFULLY
inpoortant thing of Mommy's!!!!!!

YOUR FAVORITE PEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I used to think I had a black hole in my house, now I know better!! I
just have 10 little beady eyes & 2 red devilishly mischievious eyes &
the secret stash wherin once a fuzzy deposits YOUR important items
There it becomes the property of the sucessful "hunter" ferret. From
this point on, one must, with no other choice, give up all rights to
ownership of said item., for it now becomes theres, never to be seen
again. One of the first creed of a fert Mommy or Daddy. (Forgive me,
I do not remember all of them)

If it's yours, it's mine.
If it's mine and you take it, it's mine.
If it's mine, and you take it, it's still mine.
If it's mine, you take it I WILL TAKE IT BACK ! (& then you better
watch your back cuz Hell hath no fury like a ferret scorned!!)

SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!! I'm sure someone has the whole (& correct!)
vrsion of this. I know also they'd be glas to repost it, Isn't that
right, whomever you may be.??

When my son was a toddler, one of his favorite things to do was to find
things put them in the "SRASH" (Hey...money's tight when you're got two
young children to entertain,, ya know?? They find such fun in things
we'd never dream of!!) A lot of things went to the "SRASH" such as
actual " SRASH", change, pens, my cars keys, etc. (Sound familiar
?????) I thought that when he was through this phase, that would be the
end of odd disappearences. It was, for the next 8 years.. Things I was
absolutely certain I had known where there where a second ago !! Well
gee, just about the time My son was 10 or so, my life changed forever,
and I could not be happer!!!!!! Before I knew, things were disappearing
once again. My first thought was Jeremy, but t asked him where my
missing item (S) weas (WERE) it was always " I DUNNO"

Playtime fdor Princess came along once again. I left my purse on the
couch as I was doing some calling, using my address book.when I left
the room for a second. I turned to return to the family room when, DUM,
DUM, DUMMMMMMMMMM. I thought, ok, the mystery was solved. I watched
for a few minutes as she worked. There went my address book, my wallet
(small0, my KEYS!!!!!,. Ok Princess, busted!!! I called her name, she
looked up , I swear, her little eyes looked exactly like " "UH OH!!!!

I went to retrieve my items, when whaddya know. In her stash was my
gold necklace I was taking to be repaired., my favorite pen,my change
purse. I could not stop laughing. I had a little cat burgler, um, fert
burgular. And that Delta M'Dear was my introduction to the fine art
of ferret burglary!!!!!!! I'm a lot more carefull about things being
ferret- reachable. My experiences were comical. I was lucky, there
have cases of ferts getting into toxic items, or things that have
caused blockages.

I certainly did not mean to be so long winded, uh long fingerered.
I only meant to bring you comfort in letting you know that boy do
I understand !!! It can be so totally exasperating sometimes, esp.
when it's something of great importance, espectially to MEN, THE

I hope you find it, but if you don't you can always get buy a universal
one & program it(that's always fun!)

Dooks to You!
Sue & Crew
The Boys--------Chance, Storm & Scooby
La Girls--------Nikki, Annie, & Scarlett-Da Mouse   She's 1lb 4oz



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