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Sun, 7 Jan 2007 01:51:23 -0500
Alicia Drakiotes <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
Hi Friends!

We got a new kid living here - though he has not made it into the
shelter yet-- It is Koda though Dad seems to think Elrick is a better
name. The new kid really could care less cuz he , like ME can't hear
anyway! He arrived in kinda poor shape and we never knew he was here
until after Dr Winnie opened him up by giving him a zipper and took
nasty insulation stuff from his intestines. As you can see he is not
happy with the recent change in his wardrobe-- but Momma says he is
healing well.... he just won't eat any hard food yet! Thanks to Dawn
at Neeps for sending along a play yard so this kid can get some
excercise... he has been in a smallish hospital age and needed to get
his tummy muscles strong.. without other ferrets giving him a hard
time- so she made sure there was a play yard here. Momma wants to
thank all the kind folks who made donations to SKodas fund. His surgery
is all paid for! That is a good thing. . r

In other NEWS! Soren the big bitey boy graduated Mom school of good
manners. He has made it into his very own home! Yahooey! He was a kinda
cute big lug and now he his having the time of his life running up &
downs stairs in a real live home. His Momma is a vet tech and she is
pretty good with picking up on his cues for being real excited... he
only got her nose one time! Now the other real exciting thing is
Soren's Mom is not only a vet tech but a singer guitar playing gal who
is gonna be a famous artist ( not quite like Mom). She sings lots of
songs and is in a band called Temper in Boston, MA. Momma got a CVD for
Christmas - which by the way I cannot hear - it is called: Hang By Your
Own Tail and folks that are interested ca get it at: cdbaby.com Momma
says she really enjoys listening to it and is going to try making a
painting soon when she listens to it. Hmmmm.

Aunty Kat P. ( who has Renny & Money FerretWise at her house) has set
up a Ferret Wise Raffle and so far there are 14 REALLY FOURTEEN great
prizes that folks have donated to help us all along here at the
shelter. Wowee!! You can take a look at the great stuff at:

Now I hear that Momma has promised to do some baking for the monthly
ferret Meetup on Jan 20. The meetup is at 3 PM - if anyone is planning
to come but has not signed into the Keene Ferret Meetup site-
please let Momma know so she can bake enough Brownies to go around!

Auntry Sandy G made a beautiful BIG set of bedding which is being
offered on ebay this week at:

and Shelter Mom has listed one of the very last Ferret Wise tents on ebay 
too at : 

Well I gotta run now cuz I been out here so long I need another n bone
(oh THANK YOU SANTA for all the goodies you brough-- I got 2 n bone
treats last night! MMM,MMM.

Hug your ferrets tight-- and see if they run away like me!

Blossom, spokesferret www.ferretwise.org

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