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Tue, 31 Oct 2006 20:15:15 -0500
Possum Reporter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (128 lines)
November 2006

Possum Here: OH NO!!!!! My Andy Pants is gone! He left for Rainbow
Bridge! Master Largo and Miss Ziggy told him they needed him now! I
wasn't done with him! I didn't learn how to do the news all by myself!
My Andy Pants can't go yet! I don't know the news! Somebody tell Andy
to come home!

I will hug you Andy if you come home! I love you Andy Pants. Fly high
Senior Reporter! Possum; missing you already. NO NEWS in November!

Possum Here: there is no news to tell this month because Andy Pants is

Mum Here: No, possum you need to keep doing the news, there are many
many humans out there owned by ferrets, like you, that need to know
what goes on here at the shelter and all the important things that need
to be told. You and Andy did such a good job reporting on the transfer
switch, that we have one now. You do need to do some news.

Possum Here: Mum I can't I need my Andy pants to help me.

Mum Here: Yes; you can Possum, Andy taught you well and you are a big
girl now, "senior reporter" you can do this. I know you can and I know
Andy will be so proud of you if you do this for him.

Andy Here: Possum you can do the news I am here with you!

Possum Here: hey where are you? I don't see you; where are you Andy

Andy Here: you can not see me Possum, you can only hear me right now,
that won't last long so you need to listen up and do the news.

Possum here: well that is dumb! If I can hear you why can't I see you?

Andy Here: It is not dumb Missy, I am at Rainbow Bridge, I can see you
but you can not see me.

Possum Here: well like I said that is really dumb!

Andy Here: Look Possum you are wasting time you need to get on with
the news before you can not even hear me. I will be right over your
shoulder you get started, now lets see you do, what I trained you to

Possum Here: Okay I will try, as mum said we have our transfer switch,
some of the people that made that happen live up north and they want
to keep it a secret. They got the lectric man to come to our house.

Andy Here: Psssst, Hey missy you got it wrong!!!! ALL wrong. The
shelter friends that helped to get Mr. Electric man here to help us
live SOUTH of us.. Geeeezzzz what is wrong with you? Missy they live
south they live in Hyde Park! That is south!

Possum Here: See, see I told you I can not do the news by myself.
Anyway you tolds a secret! That was bad Andy pants no one is pose to
know where they live! 

Andy Here: I am sorry I will stop you go on with the news.

Possum Here: Andy got his Christmas packages from his secret Santa's
some came before he left for Rainbow Bridge, some right after. I tolds
mum to send them to him but she says he can not take them to Rainbow
Bridge. How is my Andy pants going to get his Christmas stuffs??? Can
somebody out there get them to him?

Mum's, 2 legged furless kid Jason came to help mum clean out some of
the barn, she even got to hang out with 2 of her 2 legged furless grand
kids too; Baily and Logan. They helped mum and their dad "mum's son,"
get junk out of the barn. Man is there lots of junk out there. Mum went
to the new ferret club meeting on October 22, the news letter, minutes
and pictures here:


Man was there shelter friends all over, here that day! Holy Moly we
evened got to meet new shelter friends, Miss Nancy and Miss Sarah. So
far this month mum has helped 13 fur kids find homes. Then mum took
in 2 special needs kids that has to learn that mum's hands is not for
lunch! They seem to love being here and Crumb only bited mum real bad
once. That was mum's fault she was not paying attention. Mum says I am
the senior reporter now, but I don't feel like a senior reporter. How
am I doing so far Andy?

Andy Here: Wonderful keep going! I did not know you were listening so
well when I was teaching you. I am proud of you Missy!

Possum Here: I got a message from Miss breezie Boo's mom

Miss Janette Here: Okay Possum, I will wait till the snow flies, but
next time you gots to be nice to my Breezie Boo!!!! 

Possum Here: I only did what mum tolds me to do! Find that little girl
for her! Okay I will leave her alone even if mum tells me to find her.
Then she can't go home cause mum will not know where she is! HUMPH so

Andy Here: Possum you need to be nice, senior reporters are NICE!

Possum Here: I think that is all the news for this month, I am sad,
I miss my Andy pants. Can you come home now andy pants?

Andy Here: No possum I can not come home, you did good girl, so you can
close for this month. You did good for a first time senior reporter.

Until Next Month;

Senior reporter Possum

Our Shopping Mall

International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter

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Andy: watching from Rainbow Bridge

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