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Mon, 16 Oct 2006 07:04:19 -0700
Mustela Putorious <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
Musty Pete Greets Skylar
Torrie is missing her little man, Skylar. He left for the Rainbow
Bridge after having a devastating illness. Skylar joins his little
sister Angel in the Rainbow Bridge Community.

Skylar was very surprised when he arrived to find that he had no pain,
no scars on his belly and he felt  soooo good! He hadn't felt well for
quite a while and it was very refreshing to have no aches and pains in
his  little body.

After I greeted Skylar at the Bridge we set out to find his sister 
Angel, she was waiting for us at the Community Center. Miss Francis 
Ferret sat with Angel while she waited and had invited both Angel and 
Skylar to stay at her cottage for a few days while Skylar made the 
adjustment to this new place. Francis always has a few extra hammies 
and sleep sacks already set up for new arrivals, she enjoys giving them
a cozy, safe haven...she also enjoys the company and loves to bake 
goodies for her 'company'. Angel was very happy to accept Francis' 

As we walked through the door of the Community Center, Angel jumped up
and ran to Skylar, smelling him and showering him with kisses and hugs.
She was so happy to see him, she hadn't wanted to admit that she had
been a bit homesick. She gushed, "Oh Skylar! I am so happy to see you!
I want you to tell me all about everyone back home." Skylar hugged
Angel and muttered, "Well, I'm happy to see you too. Where are we?"

Angel explained that they were at the Community Center and they would
be staying with Francis for a few days..."This is Francis Ferret,
Skylar. She lives in a pretty purple cottage." blurted Angel,
forgetting her manners for a moment. "Oh I am just so happy to see
you!" and she hugged Skylar again.

"So? Is this where we will live?" asked Skylar as he looked around the
enormous room.

"Here?? Oh No! We will stay at the Newbie Dormitories for a few days, 
many of the new arrivals stay there, sometimes we have to wait on a 
list for housing, and sometimes there are a few empty cottages, condos 
or flats we can choose from right away." explained Angel.

"I have my eye on a nice little cottage near The Meadows, no one is
living there right now and Ms. Francis said she can take us there
tomorrow, doesn't that sound nice?" she asked

"It does sound nice Angel. What about our stuff?" asked Skylar

"What stuff?" Angel replied, and Skylar answered "You know...hammies,
sleep sacks, FOOD, toys...all the STUFF we will need."

"Oh! Don't worry about that, we will have everything we need, most of
it comes from the ladies who do arts & crafts projects here at the
Community Center, and some stuff is from donations. Everyone always
has exactly what they need up here." she explained. "We never WANT for
anything. All our needs are provided for, that's what makes this such
a wonderful and magical place!" "It really is beautiful up here, just
like Miss Torrie said it would be." 

Skylar grew a bit sad and Angel hugged him and said, "Skylar, you
will see Torrie again one day. When it is her time to cross the Rainbow
Bridge, you and I will be there waiting for her. And there is the The
Pool Of Remembrance, another magical place, you can go there and look
into the sparkling water and think really, really hard about your Earth
family, and you can see them in the pool. It's nice and you can go
there whenever you get homesick or if you miss someone back on Earth. I
can take you there."

"Thanks Angel...I think I might like to do that. But right now I am
kind of hungry, do you think we could get something to eat?" asked

Francis Ferret only needs to hear the word FOOD and she's on top of
things. "Come on kids! Let's go to my house and I will make you a nice
big snack! Then maybe we can have a nap or go for a walk."

Skylar and Angel bid me goodbye, as did Francis and they left to begin
a new life here at The Rainbow Bridge Community.
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