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Mon, 16 Oct 2006 23:38:53 -0400
Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (130 lines)
Early morning at the Rainbow Bridge was such a beautiful place to be;
the sun had risen and it painted the sky with beautiful streaks of
pink, golden yellow, blue, and lavender. The birds were singing; happy
to be starting a new day, the flowers having given up the last of their
dew to the sun, and animals everywhere were beginning to stir.

Muldoone awoke and he began to stretch and yawn, and yawn, and yawn,
and yawn some more. "I no wants to get up" he grumbled to himself "but
iffins I not gets up dat Nanna be in here yankin my hammy. Dat Nanna, I
wikes to yank her hammy sometime."

Climbing out of his hammy and making his way to the "necessary" corner,
Mully then set about trying to tame his hammy-head-hair and get his cap
on, "Geezums, I wooze dis battle 'gain" and after heaving a sigh of
resignation, out the door he went making his way to the Bridge to greet
the newcomers that were due to arrive. So many new ferrets coming to
the Bridge recently Mully thought as he made his way along. "Wots of
bwoken hearts back on earff" he mumbled to himself.

Taking his time getting to the Bridge, Muldoone enjoyed drinking in
the sights of his surroundings; ferts of all sizes and colors playing
everywhere. Ferts wrestling, ferts bathing one another, ferts doing
things ferts like to do; run, play, and have fun. The delicate colors
of the sunrise were burning away to reveal a crystal blue sky. Flowers
of every color one could imagine and others that the human eye had
never seen were at the Rainbow Bridge, flowers that seemed to be in
competition with one another to be the most beautiful or the most
fragrant. Flowers were not exactly a guy-ferrety thing but Mully had
to admit his favorite were the Fox Gloves and he marveled at the shades
of pink and purples they burst forth wearing.

Arriving at the Bridge to find Nanna and the rest of the Welcoming Crew
there waiting for him, Muldoone, Nanna, Bailey, Freckles, Dude, Libby,
and NellieFerret all joined paws forming a perfect circle of love. The
group of ferrets closed their eyes and concentrated on the ferrets
making their way to the Bridge. In the hearts of the group, they were
sending their love for the ferrets being brought by MoonBeam Molly, the
magical unicorn who brought ferrets to the Rainbow Bridge after they
had passed. The group of ferrets were not only helping to light the way
for the ones who were coming but also they were sending prayers of love
for the humans who had loved the fuzzies; a precious little life cut
short, leaving behind a broken- hearted ferret moms and dads.

In the center of the circle stood a tall and handsome sable ferret
named Soda. With both an expression of pain and a perfect expression of
love on his face, he closed his eyes and began to sing. SodaFerret sang
a song of love to the ferrets who were making their way to the Bridge.
His voice was deep and rich, every note sang perfectly, every word
wrapped in love for the ones coming. The Ferret Promise Song now filled
the air with its bittersweet refrain. The melody of love told the story
of hope and promise and also of sorrow and loss all tied together in
the cycle of life. The song explained pain fading away, of limbs being
made strong again, and eyes once more bright, it told of the sorrow of
passing and the joy waiting in the special promise given by the
Creator. As Soda sang the sad sweet song, he had tears rolling down his
furry cheeks. The song he sang was also a song of love for the humans
whose hearts had been broke by the passing of the one that was making
his way to the Bridge.

The lights over the Bridge began to dance and swirl; colors more
beautiful than ever seen on earth now painted the sky. The colors
blended and then changed again; shades of pink gave way to peach and
yellows then changed to a soft green that blended into a delicate blue
that gave itself over to shades of lavender. A fine soft fairy dusting
began to swirl all around Muldoone, Nanna, and the others.

Arriving at the Rainbow Bridge, MoonBeam Molly lowered herself to the
ground so her tiny passengers could climb down. Joey, Buddy, CB, and
Sammy all peaked their heads up and looked around to see where they
were. All four ferrets joined paws and then began making their way
across the Rainbow Bridge. Joey wore a backpac, with goodies in it from
home. Sammy was carrying a bunch of fleece squares under one arm his
mom had sent with him. Off in the distance the new arrivals could see a
group of ferrets standing at the other end of the Bridge. The wooden
timbers of the Rainbow Bridge were worn smooth from time and from the
many ferrets that had made the crossing, having left behind a world as
they knew it and coming to the Rainbow Bridge to wait to be reunited
with their humans.

As the newcomers stepped off the end of the Rainbow Bridge, Muldoone
offered his nose to the them in a friendly greeting. "I be Misser
Muldoone, officialist Wainbow Bwidge Gweeter and wees be here to
welcomes yous."

"Hello Joey, CB, Buddy, and Sammy, my name is Nanna and we have come to
welcome you to the Rainbow Bridge."

All four ferrets were still holding paws as they were both looking all
around drinking in all the beautiful sights before them.

Asking the ferrets as a group, Nanna gently approached them and asked
"Do you know where you are?"

"Yes the little group replied in unison, our familees tells us bout dis
pwace and say we comes here sumtime."

"Most of you have familee here to greet you" Nanna told them "and they
have been anxiously waiting to see you again. Its ok, you can come out
now" Nanna called out.

Out from behind a clump of bushes came a stampede of ferrets Muldoone
managed just in time to get out of their way.

"Kwoie, Butchers, and Maggie" CB called out excitedly.

Little Buddy's eyes shinned bright with tears as he embraced his old
friends Popcorn and Nipper.

Joey the chocolate sable had the largest group there to greet him; 11
ferrets rushed at him all with arms stretched out wide to embrace him.
Wiley, Precious Peanut, Bear, Sage, Teddy, StinkMan, Bonnie, Dharma,
Tweaky, Clyde, and Boozer all reached for him and the entire group was
giggling, dooking, he-he-heing, giving kisses and was obviously very
happy to see the little sable ferret again.

After the mass welcoming finally calmed down, SodaFerret introduced
himself to the newcomers and promised to take them to the rainbow and
show them how to climb the color rings so they could go and visit with
their families. Each little ferret felt loved and cared for in their
new place of residence and they carried a picture of their loved ones
in their hearts.

Caring for your ferrets at the Rainbow Bridge.


[Posted in FML 5398]