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Thu, 24 Aug 2006 22:38:05 -0500
text/plain (64 lines)
Hi all dis is SaraFerret from de Rainbow Bwidge.  Luckily dere havent
been too many crossing de Bwidge for a while.  Of course lotsa wild
furries and other animals have been crossing.
Anyway, a big group of Dews and me was surfing at de lake here--and its
kinda funny de way we do it.  One or two of my buds, de Great Pyreenes
dogs, comes over and a gwoup of us latch on to him and he swims real far
out and den we get some biggie ways and hold on for dear life.  Of course
we all have water wings on in case of upsets.  But dis time we all made
it thru the waves.  Den I heard de Boss' voice over de loudspeaker:
SaraFerret you are sposed to be on duty at de bwidge to meet Big Guy--
so why are you and his Dew friends messing around.  Get yourselves to
de bwidge NOW.  Oh oh--dont even bother toweling off I told de Dews--
we gotta be dere quick like a bunny
Oh-oh I is really in trouble now, Big Guy who is a very big Dew is at de
bwidge looking kinda stunned.  He says where is I.  I tells him he is at
de Rainbow Bridge and den he sees his buds from long ago.  Hey guys how
is it and why are we here.  I apologizes to Big Guy and tells him I was
sposed to be here before he got here and have all of us ready to greet
him.  He says well ok, you have greeted me, now I am ready to go back
home.  Uh Big Guy I say, dis is home now--dere is no going back.  Your
humans will one day in de future cross de bwidge to meet you but until
den, all de furries here will be one big family.  He looks at me and
says: OH.
I always hate dese times when dey first find out dere is not any goings
back.  But den he just accepts it, no screamin or nothing.
He starts chattering wit his friends and den dey tell him dat he is not
quite thru yet.  I speaks up and says, well first, we has to get you
wings anda halo.  I forgots we all still had our water wings and I admits
dey did look a bit goofy outa of de water.  Dose wings?  He asks.  No, No
I said-we just uses dose for swimmings.  So we all trots over to Kit and
Kaboodle and I shows him de big wing display--okay pick one of de boy
wings, I says to him.  Okay he picks the brightest almost blinding set of
wings I has seen.  Orange with blue streaks.  Wowsie, we will really see
him comming.  Dats what you want for sure, I asks.  But his buds admire
his good taste in colors (dere's no way to figure out guys).  We try on
his wings and sure enough dey were made for him and he gots his halo and
an orange hammie to match--one of dose supersizes ones.
He says ok, I am hungry, when do we eats.  His buds laugh remembering his
famous appetite.  We are having a party for you Norman says.
A party, he says, a real party--what is a party?  Come wit us dey says
and you too Ms SaraFerret, (its nice to be invited).  We decided on
de ways dere dat de would give him a tour in a day or so as dey knew
dere way around.  Makes my job easier.  Den we arrives at his new
digs -- Welcome Big Guy -- read de sign.  And dose guys mustve really
bribed de mousey angels as dey had food galore, some of which I has
never seen before.
I stayed for a while, but I could tell dey were gonna be running around
all night and I has to gets my beauty sleep so I can be ready for
Oh by de way, Big Guy, sends his love to all de humans he left behind
plus a sweet kiss was sent by comet to reach you tonite.
Hugs and dooks from de Bwidge
[Posted in FML issue 5345]