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Sun, 22 Apr 2007 20:32:50 -0500
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Hi all dis be SaraFerret. Wowsie, it sure has been busy at de bridge.
Constant traffic. So here I am wit dis kit, Calvin, firmly attached to
me (he has his arms wraps around my neck) and his hind paws arounds my
back). Calvin insists I am is Mommy. I must really be checking around
for his real true Mommy. Also why is he not in kit school. He must've
slipped out when de teacher ferrets werent watching. Dey must
kit-proofed dat place better.

But wait! De courier just dropped at note. Smoochie is getting ready
to cross de bridge. Okay, on de loudspeaker, Popcorn, Nipper, Buddy,
Weasel, dose of you dat belonged to Papa Gerald's business--report to
de bwidge. Guess my voice can cawwy wit de help of dat speaker ting.
Okay dey all gots here licketty-split. Nothing like flying ferrets for
quick action!

Suddenly dere was dis handsome big sable boy marching across de bridge.
Wowsie, he just marches rights up to me and introduces himself and says
Hi I am Smoochie.

Well, I says, I is SaraFerret, de Bridge Greeter. I would like to
welcome you to your new forever home.

Well, Smoochie kinda sighed and says, well Daddy told me dat dis would
be my new home and dat I would be met by a bridge greeter and perhaps
some of my old friends.

And all of a sudden his friends popped out of hiding and yelled out to
him, Hiya Smoochie, welcome to de bridge.

Well Smoochie was so surprised to see all of dem so soon. He really
tought he would have to look dem up. But dey had a short chat about
Papa Gerald and all dat stuff. But den I had to take care of de bridge

Uh Smoochie, I says, we have to get you fitted for wings and halo.

Smoochie looked at me strangely and said, Wings? Whatever for?

Well, Smoochie, I says, you are an angel now and angels need wings to
fly here unless you plan to walk everywhere which is rather difficult.

Smoochie looked at his friends and saw dat dey had wings and wowsie,
he felt rather dumb and says oh, wowsie, did i says someting silly.

I tells him, No way did you say someting silly, Smoochie, it was just
de shock from crossing de bridge, we all get some type of brain freeze.
Now just come wit me to Kit and Kaboodle. And Calvin, its time you
learned to walk. (firmly detaching one kit'x paws from my body). When
we arrive, Auntie Mary Ferret is dere to meet us. First ting she does
is take one truant Calvin back to kit school (dey found out where he
had escape from and have since secured the hole). Den she comes back
and goes behind de counter and places a long box on de counter and its
label Smoochie.

I takes Smoochie over to de counter and he opens de box and he opens
it. Inside are beautiful azure wings shot wit black stripes. Some of
his business offer to help him wit de tryon telling him dat dey can be
tricky de first few times. Den on wit de halo. Afterwards, Smoochie
trots over to de mirror and looks at his reflection and turns and then
gets a kinda lopsided grin. VANITY--THY NAME NAME IS FERRET! (It really
is amazing how ferrets react when dey get dere wings-dey just preen and
dook like dey have a new set of clothes which of course dey do--and of
course it is de first day of a new place for de rest of dere lives).

Well all of his friends ooh and ahh over his wings. And of course
Smoochie will stay wit dem as dey have a new azure hammock wit black
stripes for Smoochie. Dey are going to give Smoochie dey tour tomorrow
as dey know he is sorta worn out from all dat has happened today. And
of course dere is de Welcome to de Bridge Party tonie for Smoochie with
de usual treats dat Smoochie so loves--I an invited, but unfortunately
cant go as I am on duty tonite. But I wish dem lots of fun and joy and
I will be seeing dem lots.

And so back to de bridge entrance I trot, hoping Calvin (dis is de kit
of Mommy Donna) will stay in kit school till I gets off duty.

Loveys and hugs


[Posted in FML 5586]