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Sun, 7 Jan 2007 02:01:39 -0500
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Hello to all my fuzzy friends! And their ferrets too! I missed the
edition where Jean went to our community and asked for help, but hey -
based on the huge responses, I of course, wanted to put my 4 cents
worth in.

First, to those who smacked her around for asking, shame on you. You
oughta be ashamed of yourself, making comments like that. Was there
never a time when YOU needed help? And if you got it, do you remember
how grateful you were? (Or should have been?). And likewise, if you
DIDN'T get help, do you remember how THAT felt too? If so, then you
should be a little bit more compassionate, EITHER WAY. I think everyone
should watch the movie Pay It Foward. It speaks volumes. I won't get
into the nitty-gritty, but damn it all, we ARE a community. If you
don't want to be part of the community, then get out. We don't need the
negativity. If you DO want to be part of it, then show some respect and
kindness. It will go a long way, and REMEMBER: IT ALL COMES BACK TO YOU

I remember the outpouring of generous offers when Helena was sick. From
people I didn't even know!!!! I got offers that ranged from "you can
stay here with us for free and use our vet" - to "We'll help pay for
her surgery". I was so awed by the love in this community, that I will
NEVER FORGET IT. I will not always be able to help. There will be times
when I am cash strapped and can't, but by golly, when I can, I damn
well will!!! That being said - I am not promising thousands of dollars.
But I AM promising I will do what I can, with what I have. We have all
been in the position of "needing" in our lives, and anyone who says
they haven't is a liar. We have all received some help, somewhere along
the line, when we least expected it. How did WE feel, when we were
reduced to 'asking' for help? I don't know Jean either, but I'd bet
my last dollar that it hurt her to have to ask, and when she received
negative responses, well that damn well had to hurt too!

Having said all that I do have one suggestion to those who are in need.
Try to make it easy on us. Post an address, a bank to send it to, a vet
to send it to or whatever. I don't have a lot of time to do research
and find peoples address's. And I would bet not alot of others out here
do either. I work full time and am raising 4 sons, 4 ferrets, 3 cats,
1 dog and 1 husband. By far, the husband is the worst! **Just kidding
honey**!!! In all seriousness though, if it is made easier for us to
send money, I'd bet alot of us would do it in a heartbeat! I am not
being lazy here, I am being honest. Just a suggestion. The easier it is
made for the community to send - the better the response will be! So if
someone out there can send me some additional info, on where to send -
"The check WILL BE in mail"! Jean - send me your info. I will do what I

Love and cuddles to all our healthy and needing fuzzies and their
hooman families,

Kim and Her Army of Idiots

Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what I

[Posted in FML 5480]