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Thu, 28 Sep 2006 22:12:21 -0400
colburns <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
I received this frrom Jules last night.  (She used to post to the FML)
She's a decent kid in a *crushing* academic program.  I can't take these
fuzzies, two is my limit.  Help!  What to do?
Alexandra in MA
> "Desperately Need Home For 2 Ferrets, 1 Sick. Help! (MA)
>Hey guys, long time no talk.  This is Jules, dunno if any of you
>remember me (sukie, wolfy) It's been a while.  The email address that
>was subscribed to the FML died and I didn't have access to anything.
>So Alex is posting this for me.
>To get straight to the point, circumstances have changed and I need to
>rehome my two ferrets, Romeo & Julliet.  Julliet is a spunky and hardy
>and very healthy 5 year old chocolate sable.  She's quite the trooper.
>Romeo is a 2 1/2 year old deaf almost pure cream colored ferret.  He
>used to be panda-ish but now he's mostly cream.  Romeo is sick.  I took
>him to the vet and they said that he needed blood tests and x rays and
>possibly biopsies.  He lost 2/3 of his body weight and has an enlarged
>spleen.  I can't afford the tests right now, they gave him some
>amoxycilin and that seemed to help.  He started to get better, but now
>he's really sick again.  Skin and bones.  He might end up having to be
>put down, I suspect lymphoma, but don't know.
>I really need to find somewhere for them to go where Romeo can get
>checked by a vet and if any thing can be done.  It'd be nice if they
>went somewhere with other ferrets so if Romeo didn't make it Julliet
>could have playmates.  She's quite the trooper when it comes to new
>homes and new ferrets.  I just can't give them the care and attention
>they need and it's selfish for me to keep them.  I've contacted a couple
>local shelters and 1 wouldn't take them and 1 I haven't heard from.
>I don't know what else to do.  I'm under a lot of stress with animals
>and school and business right now and I'm getting reall desperate.  If
>anyone can help me out please call me at 413.774.4828 or 484.467.6741 or
>email me at [log in to unmask]
>I'm located in Greenfield, MA.  Please don't respond on the FML because
>I won't see it.  Thanks
> - Jules"
[Posted in FML issue 5380]