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Sun, 17 Sep 2006 01:57:19 -0500
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Hi all dis is SaraFerret.  Today is both a sad and happy day here at de
bridge.  My poor human Mommy has once again had to give up one of her
beloved furchildren to the Rainbow Bridge and she cried such biggie
tears, but I will tell you from de beginning.
Dis Furboy came wit his cagemate, Sweet--a little one pound package of
dynamite.  Dude, unfortunately, had a problem related to his adrenals, I
tink, he thots he was a biggie ferret, ones who could make babies in
Sweet.  Oh mercy me, poor little girl.  Men--geesh hurt little girls when
mating and bites dem on de neck and all de time when my human was twying
to sleep, she would be woke by dis idiot boy biting dis little girl who
would scream bloody murder.  Immediately Mommy would run in dere and
separate dem--and put dem in separate cages.  And finally de decision
was made dat Dude and Sweet would live and play separate.  Unfortunately
neither of dem would play wit any one else.  Oh wowsie did Mommy have
her handsie full.  Esp since most of her furries had to have separate
playtimes.  Ya see Dude and Sweet were de first of many foster ferrets
dat Mommy got from Dr Bobbi's Ferret Place and she would adopts bunches
more later--of course all dis happens after I had long ago left Mommy.
(Ya tink Mommy woulda been cured of ferrets for ever of furries sinces I
was de world's number 1 worst bites every day Mommy would be scarred by
me--poor Mommy)  But Mommy understood me and knew I was bitey because my
previous owners had trown me against de walls all de times and slopped
up my brains, at least dats how she splains it to other peoples.
Well back to Dude.  When He was welcomed and dis is another story, so
here goes.
I got de notice from Mommy's guardian angel dat Dude was on his way.
Dude passed on his own and rolls up to de entrance of de bridge on his
Tazzie wheels as his back legs had quit working and he had gotten biggie
fat and also pooed all over himself and Mommy would has to washes him
off all de time.  Sweet, his fursister and I went to greet him (de Boss
gave her special permissio since he was her cagemate and he was my
furbrother).  He looked so sad.  He tells me dat Mommy was crying so hard
when he left, but he just has to go as he just hurt so bad and he hated
pooing on himself and making Mommy clean up de poo.  He also tells me he
didnt care much for de Tazzie wheels as he thot de other furries laughed
at him when dey saw him using dem.  (No use splaining to him dat de other
furries was jealous of him havin wheels which dey thot were cool).  So
Sweet and I took off de wheels and de angels flew dem back to Mommy so
she could use dem on future ferrets.  Sweet den ran back across de bridge
and got everybody from Dr Bobbi's shelter together and from Mommy's bunch
together so dey could welcome him.
I tells Dude dat he could lean on me if he has any troubles walking.  He
tells me Young lady I can do quite well on my own.  (I like that bit of
spunk in dose old guys as Mommy had told me he was 9+ years old).
And den dere we were.  We had made it across.  And we heard the sounds of
Samantha Ferret's clarinet solo playing the Ferret Promise Song and den
on cue Sweet started sing de song and oh (I didnt even know she could
sing) it sounded like de angels singing de beautiful song dat us ferrets
know and love.  Everyone had tears in dere eyes from de emotions of de
moments.  And honor of honors.  Even de Boss shows up.  Even He had
tears.  And Dude, he was just in shock.  Never had he seen so many
ferrets.  I tells him Yes Dude, dese are all from Mommy's house and from
Dr Bobbi's shelter.  He just started smiling and just kept smiling.  To
be honest, I had never seen a ferret smile, but he did and all of a
sudden all of de ferrets started smiling biggie smiles and even laughter
rang outs.
Dude turned to me and says Young lady I dont believe I caught your name.
OOPS!  I apologizes to him.  I says I just thot you knew me, I is
SaraFerret and I was Mommy's first ferret and now I is a angelgreeter at
de Rainbow Bridge.  And den he remembered, Oh yeah, now I recall Mommy
talking about you, esp when another ferret bit her.  I tink Dude was
really being nice and always tells me dat Mommy never says anyting bad
abouts me, as I recalls when I bits Mommy back den, Mommy would sometimes
say bad bad words when de bloods came slopping out all over de place and
honey when I say all over, my bits were really really bads.
And den Dude notices dat everyones has wings.  He says wowsie, do I get
dose tings to wear, dey sure look sharp and by den Sweet was by our side
and she look so cute in her wings which were really mousie angel wings as
she was so tiny.  Dey looked so cute together, but she did state where
dey stood.  She says Dude if you trys any of you sillys here I promises
you I will bat you upside de head.
So off we went to Kit and Kaboodle and gots his special wings and off to
Party we went and wardanced all de next week long
[Posted in FML issue 5368]