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Fri, 4 Aug 2006 16:36:29 -0700
LARRY MCFARLANE <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (89 lines)
[Part 1 appeared yesterday.  BIG]
When our story ended Pepper had alerted the ferrts and cats that their
mom was coming.  Instantly ferrets dropped into hammocks, fell into the
t-shirts in the cages.  Puck jumped onto the bed and curled up, as though
asleep.  AT ran to the side of the bed, dropped and rolled onto his back,
his favorite sleeping position.
The human mom walked into the room, looked around.  All seemed quiet,
although she could have sworn she heard ferrets coughing a few minutes
before.  Then she noticed all the food on the floor.  Immediately she
checked on the cats, but they seemed asleep, all the ferrets were quietly
sleeping.  "You little clowns, knocking your food out like this!  You're
wasting it!" She swept the food up and put it in the trash can.  After
double checking them again to make sure they were fine, she left.
Noses slowly started peeking out of hammocks, bright eyes looking around,
checking the floor.  Puck raised his head as AT rolled over onto his feet
and sauntered into the middle of the floor.  "HA!  All your silly secret
message material is gone.  Da mom took it" AT snickered.  "That'll teach
you to try to make a cat look like an idiot.  You tried to make Puck look
stupid, and he's not!!!" Then AT sat his big butt down, smiling at the
ferrets and making faces at them.
Pepper, Galadriel, Lilly and a few others sat and started laughing.
Actually, they were draped across cagemates, snorting with laughter.
Some had tears in their eyes, Bear was hanging upside down from his
hammock and hiccuping he was laughing so hard.  Arwen put her head over
her hammock and stared at AT until he stopped smiling, started scratching
the floor with one paw.  "Ah, AT, you poor soul.  Our momma named you
correctly when she named you AT---my fur children, you may not know it,
but his name stands for Absolutely Twitterpated."
Upon hearing this one could hear tiny bodies falling onto floors,
laughter coming fast and quick.  AT glanced up, saw one paw just waving
at the side of the cage.  "You all know if you're not quiet momma will
come up here again" he said.  "So what if my name means that, I'm still
quite smart!"
"Yeah, right, that's why you went after that dust mote in the air the
other day" exclaimed Tickles.  "No, wait," spluttered Gus.  "Remember
when he laid on his back all day under the air conditioner and then
jumped up to chase another cat, and fell on his face?" "What about the
"Enough" screeched AT, covering his ears.  "That is enough, my fur
children, enough" said Arwen.
"Um, Arwen?" called Saber.  "What about the runes, they're gone.  How are
we going to decipher all the message now?  Some of us didn't get to read
the message all the way through, so how can we do what we all planned?"
Arwen smiled and said "I know what all the message said, my children.  It
won't be hard.  But what you must do is plot a way to get downstairs to
the computer when our human slaves are asleep tonight.  We MUST get the
message out!!!!!  She must know how much she is loved, and how special
she is."
All the Crew nodded in agreement, and made sure they all had their tiny
pads of paper and pencils, some their measuring tapes, so that when their
play time started they could get near the computer.  AT and Puck looked
at each other, then slowly approached Arwen.  "Arwen, may we be allowed
to help the ferrets in this?  We can play around our humans, guide your
fur children nearer than they might be able to get to the computer.
And, maybe, once they need to get up, we can help them, we could carry
them on our back to the chair."
Snickers started again from all over the room, but Arwen held up one
regal paw.  "Silence, my children.  The cats wish to help, and we shall
accept their help.  AT, Puck, you must put silliness aside for this."
"We shall" they both said.
"Very well.  Tonight we plan the distance and effort to get the computer
on, and up to the keyboard.  After our human mom and dad go to bed,
before the younger human comes home, we must accomplish our mission...
She must be told." Arwen looked at all in the room, and they bowed their
heads.  Then they heard their momma coming, saying, "Playtime kiddos!"
Smiles broke out all over, amidst all giggling again.
To be continued.....
Rebecca and the Crew of Merry Mayhem
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
 good with ketchup"
"Support bacteria, it's the only culture some people have"
[Posted in FML issue 5325]