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Mon, 20 Nov 2006 12:05:09 -0600
anneinchicago <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
Yeah, keeping the guys safely tucked in their cages at night is what I
do as well, for exactly those reasons. The last thing one wants to do
in an emergency is try to find ferets that may or may not be scattered
all over the house. Other than that, they free-roam for exactly those
reasons too. I believe its healthier. It's also a natural way (I think)
for them to regulate on their own their need for darkness.

My safety tip? One that I decided was absolutely necessary after going
down to New Orleans after Katrina. Buy stickers. Make your own. Put up
a sign. Say what pets you have nice & clear. Why? Watch Animal Planet.
Read the accounts. In most cases, the animals who were rescued first
were the ones the rescuers could *hear* in the house (or apartment, or
wherever). Dogs barking; cats meowing. In rare cases, parrots
screaming. Repiles, bunnies, hedgies and ferrets make no sound. In an
emergency, there isn't simply enough time to check each and every
building. So buy those stickers. Make that sign.Let those who want to
help know what you have.

And in that emergency pack you keep in that emergency carrier right
next to their cage? A care sheet. Something simple, but clear. Because
not everyone knows about ferrets. Or bunnies. Or hedgies.

There. My two cents.

My crew? No ages as I yhave no real idea as all are rescues.

Ariana & Lola, AKA The Surf Twins. Both female. Ariana is a dark-eyed
hite, Loa a sable. Went to someone's house because they were selling a
ferret cage. they said I had to take the ferrets or they were going to
throow them out. This was *after* they sauid how much they loved their
nameless ferrets. Ariana is the one who loves playing with the
dachshunds the most.

Sarah. Rescued from her second owner. No history other than she had a
brother in the dim past who died of distempter and that she had been
fed a hairball formula food for cats. Never out of a cage. So depressed
- shelter shock?- when I got her I thought she would die. She would
stay in whatever position you put her. Now, she's a bitey, pushy little
monster and the tiniest ferret I have seen. Sarah is also completely
bald except for a lion's tuft on her tail and her head. I love her to

Razz-a-ma-tazz. Bought from an idiot who wanted to sell her so he could
buy drugs. Tiny black girl who is just happy to be away from the
owner's Rottweil;ers.

Twos. Huge male sable. Absolutely no personality whatsoever. Sweet,
goodnatured and beautiful.

Buddy. Another male sable. This is the guy that I wrote about who
suffered a stroke (and I'm not going to argue the point). Twisted in
body, but not in mind. Again, no real personality. Has the cutest
perment head tilt on the planet.

My Lizzie. So abused and so savage when I got her that I thought she
would have to be put to sleep. Her owners hought that throwing her
against a wall would teach her not to bite. Now, she only bites if you
put your hand in her cage. Still very scared of contact with anyone but
me, but tolerates petting when I take her places. A good living example
for kids as to what happens hen an animal is bused. Has to be kept
separate from the others as she hates every other ferret on the planet
and goes for the jugluar. She's my darling girl and I woldn't trade her
in for the world. Knowing I'm the one person she trusts implictly is
the best gift I've ever been given.

[Posted in FML 5433]