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Wed, 19 Jul 2006 09:58:03 -0600
Kate McKinley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
Greetings, Hugs & Dooks to all!
Marshall ships ferrets all over, I know for a fact that they ship to
Petlands in Canada.  I keep a pretty close eye on ferrets in pet stores,
as I travel a lot all over Canada, and if there's a pet store in the
city I'm in, I find it.  I know that they ship to pet stores in Calgary,
Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon, Vancouver, Victoria, Dawson Creek, Prince
George, Chetwynd, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and I'm sure lots of other
places that I'm not aware of.  I've seen little gals that still have
stitches from a spay, prolapsed rectums, malnutrition because they are
too young to eat kibble, you name it.  It never ceases to amaze me,
how can the people who are putting these little ones into crates for
shipping, be so heartless & cruel.  Don't they feel at all?  Are they
blind?  It has angered me for sometime and I have written to Marshall's
many times reporting the condition of some of their shipments, I have
yet to get a reply.  Maybe we here on the list, should draft some type of
form letter demanding they be more responsible and start mailing them
off.  Power in numbers usually works.
[Posted in FML issue 5309]