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Thu, 25 May 2006 02:14:12 -0500
text/plain (62 lines)
Hi all dis is SaraFerret.  Mommy had typed up a great post for de FML for
Wolfie Corgi, and she thought she sent it--she deleted it instead.  Poor
Mommy--yeppers I dictated de new message again.  She was ready to cwy as
she spent all afternoon at a lawyer's office talking sumting about a
trust.  Hey Mommy, dont you trust me.  She looks at me--not dat type of
trust SaraFerret.
So once again here goes de check on Wolfie Corgi.  I gots a bigggie note
from Wolfie Corgi's mommy saying among other tings please check on my
doggie.  Oh merciful heavens--doggie heaven!!!!  Wowsie biggie teeth and
biggie barks.  Oh well off to get permission (dictionary again) from de
BOSS to go to de Doggie side of de bwidge.  New rule in effect: no more
of dis wandering around de heavens for ferrets--dey are getting lost too
often and then they have to be found and sometimes dey just stay where
dey are and dis is not to be done anymore, etc.  Gets note from BOSS and
trots over to wait for Snowball, my Great Pyrenees dog who dearly loves
me.  He is like huge, but we is buds anyway.  Dere he is and I fwys over
to meets him.  Hey girlfriend, he says, how ya be.  I says well Snow, I
has to find Wolfie Corgi, where is dis address.  He looks for a few and
says yep I knows jus where its at.  In a heartbeat we was dere, I yelled
in my loudest chitter Wolfie where is you?  Ok guess I woke a number of
doggies from a nap as dere was a group gathering to give me what for.
But den out came Wolfie.  He runs up to me--Whatcha got SaraFerret.  I
was taken aback (fancy words I learn in a class) as I has never meets him
before.  He says everyone knows SaraFerret.  I is not going to ask him if
its good or bad news dey know.  I tells him I gots a note from his mommy.
Oh wowsie was he excited.
Tell me, pease tell me Missy SaraFerret.  He was bouncing so high he got
excited and (uh to put it politely wet on me).  Sigh!  Oh well I can
take a shower when I get back.  Nothing doing, Wolfie says--I will go
get de showering ting and you can take a shower right here.  Uh Wolfie I
like a bit of privacy, maybe you boys can do dat, but us girls are a bit
pwivate.  Okay he says just stand behind Snowball.  And out came de
shower water-nice and warm and a nice bottle of shower smelly-good and
scrubbie and in a flash I was scrubbed and rinsed and tossed a towel and
dried super quick.  Well dat was nice.  Dya wannna hear de note Wolfie,
standing far back from him now, after dat first shower of "affection"?
Dat's all right Missy Ferret, I is so sowwy.  Its okay Wolfie.  I read to
him dat his mommy wanted to know how he was doing and all dat.  Oh he has
big tears in his eyes and says tell Mommie I is great and I didnt hurt at
all.  Just bang and I was at de bwidgeso I didnt suffer any pains.  He
goes on to tell me how gweat Mommy was and how much he misses her and
wants her to be happy and not to rush to get to de bwidge to see him too
quick.  He also says dat he didnt mean to run away, he jus gots excited
and bounced out de door looking for hers and bang it was over.
I tells him dat she sends her biggie love and huggies and kisseys.  And
he wants me to tell you Mommie Jennifer dat tonite when de big comet
comes by he will put his biggest kiss on it to send to her so she can get
it super quick.  I hopes dat you get dat kissey Mommy Jennifer as Mommy
lost de note and I hopes you didnt miss Wolfie's kiss or not know what it
was when you woke up wit your cheek wet, but it was from your furry child
Wolfie.  I said my goodbyes, and Snowball took me clear back to my den,
so I didnt have to fwy anywhere.  I was really ready for bed, since I
already had my shower.  So ended another happy greeting from de Rainbow
Dooks of lovies
[Posted in FML issue 5254]