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Thu, 30 Mar 2006 00:30:06 -0500
text/plain (98 lines)
Hiya all esp Mommy Andrea.  Sorry for de long waits for de greeting of
your furdaughter but Mommy has been busy wit dr visits--she says it
someting like my vet visits.  I can member dat--all dose nasty shots
but de medicine was good--yummy tastes like bubblegum.
Well lets sees if I can members how it wents.  Oh yeah---brain dead--
giggle.  Dat day I knew I was on duty so de kits and I were hanging
around waiting for dis little cinnamon girl to come.  Her brother Rudy
was waiting wit me--he was worse den de kits--hopping around on one paw
and den de other.  Finally I asked Mr Rudy if he had to visit de litter
pan since dat is what my kits do when dey are waiting for something good
and dont want to go to delitter place and do dere necessarys (dictionary
again).  Rudy blushes really red and said no Miss SaraFerret--I am just
so excited.  Well Rudy anyway you best hop over to de place marked for
boy ferrets and do your ting so you will be ready.  De Boss frowns on
having brown grass where an accident happened.  He says ok ok ok, but I
am not happy--so off he went.
I reread de note.  Little cinnamon name Rayna one of a trio-- lymphoma-
yecch -- I members dat-- sometimes hair falls out from meds.  Mommy
used to tell me dat humans hairs fall out when dey have what dey calls
"chemo".  Oh wowsie it says she was a brave courageous little happy
girl--NOT ME--nope I remained my normal bitey self.  Mommy wouldnt know
what to do if I had been a lovey Ferret (NOTE FROM MOMMY--YES I WOULD,
I WOULDNT HAVE AS MANY SCARS).  I looked up and wondered where Mommy's
voice came from.  Hmmm!  Rudy has returned all bright and refreshed edven
with eau de cologne de smellgood ferret delight--He did smell good too.
It was hot out too.  I checked my armpits--yecch--SaraFerret you had best
be fixing yourself off--you stink.  I giggle at de tought.
Den we see Ms Rayna Ferret walking very slowly to de entrance to de
Rainbow Bridge.  She keeps looking back.  I could even see de big hanky
she had carried (oops no its a towel) to wipe her tears.  Finally she
dips it in some water and drapes it over her head.  My very fetching I
tought.  She will set a new style for de young ladies in mustey land.
Exotic scarves for milady.  Den dere she was waiting at de beginning.
Hiya Ms Rayna, I is SaraFerret, your Bridge-greeter and you remember Rudy
She brightened up a little and started across slowly de bridge.  She
held de handrails as if dey were her lifelines.  And finally she is here.
How ya be Ms Rayna, we's been specting ya.  Rudy, overwhelmed by de
moment, started tearing up and jumped into Rayna's arms and dey both went
down.  Luckily lotsa grass to soften de fall.  I hauled Rudy off his
bitsy sister and asks him Rudy whatsa matter wit you?  He says I is sorry
Rayna.  I was just so excited to have someone here dat I was kin to and I
gots carried away.  Rayna laughed a darling little tinkling laugh like a
tiny bell.  Its okay Rudy, I is glad to sees you, but I am so sorry to
leave poor Mommy, she was crying so hard when I left.  Well I tells her
we will check on dat later.  But first we have to gets you ready.  Den
she noticed Rudy's somewhat dusty wings and his slightly bent halo like
moat of de guys.
He starts chittering and chattering wit Rayna in dere own little private
language--all little groups have dere own way of talking private so
others cant figure out whats dey are saying.  She asks where we is going
and den all of a sudden the rest of her business came up and I looked at
Rudy and said Hmnmm no family huh and he giggled and said well no Rayna
was here and she was so special to me.  I understood dat as us ferrets
tend to bond wit our cagemates sorta like familys.  We entered de door of
Kit and Kaboodle and dere were loads of wings and haloes.  My dose mousie
angels and de kits have been busy.  Den Rudy showed Rayna dis beautiful
blue and gold pair of fluffy wings.  I has been checking dese out he
tells her and dese would look perfect on you.  Okay guess Rudy is a
courtier (tink I spell dat right--dictionaries are handy).  She tries on
de wings and wit just a few nips and tucks dey fit her perfectly and den
Rudy placed de halo on his sister.  You look like an angel we both said
at once.
Well I asked her if she wanted the tour or if she wanted to wait.  She
said dat she was really tired from all dat had happened and dat she would
take de tour later.  I was sure Rudy and de others would show her around.
But dere was a special place I wanted to take her witout Rudy and so I
asked him to go get de welcome party and her place ready for later.
Okays he says, I know--girl talks.  So Rayna and me went over to a place
marked viewing pool and dere was a tiny pool.  SHe says oh is this
pretty.  I told her dis was special.  Then I tells her to lean over and
look into de pool and den I swished de water around and all of a sudden
Mommy Andrea appeared.  She was crying so hard and Rayna was starting to
sniffle--I tells Rayna dont sniffles right now-dis is special time.  Den
I tells Rayna to wave at her Mommy and talked to her and trow kissys at
her.  At dat moment her mommy looked up as doh she heard someting and
then began to smile and Rayna started dancing and singing and trowing
more kissys and her Mommy waved really hard and seemed to see her
furchild at de Bridge.  Dat made Rayna happy and den de vision of Mommy
drifted away, but Rayna was so happy dat she danced and sang all de way
to her new home where dere was a huge party to welcome her.  Dey invited
me to stay, but I knew I had to get de kits to sleep as dey are bears if
dey dont sleep at de right time.  I hugged Rayna and said I would be
seeing her.
And so ended another day at de Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 5197]