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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0706 2132 58 44_June HOFA=the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ and

They have to abide by the regulations covering standards of care -
if anyone anywhere ever sees ferrets being mistreated, housed
inappropriately etc by breeders ordealers or exhibitors they need to
contact their local governmental animal protection department ( whether
it is an animal control agency, the humane society, the aspca, etc.)
AND APHIS - an inspector will check out the potentially illegal
operation [...]42_19Feb200707:56:[log in to unmask] 0702 11460 28 26_Doug McKay's Breeding [log in to unmask], 19 Feb 2007 11:22:15 -0500544_- Way to go Alicia! What your saying is most defiantly true. Way in name
sake would you put cash in the McKay's hands, and take only a few
ferrets out. Way not Shut them Down Completely! If your going to work a
rescue then it needs to be done the right way. You never leave ferrets
or any other animal there to start the breeding process up again. You
close him down, press charges and head for court. Put these type people
in the publics eye. Get it into newspapers, news stations etc, what
ever you can do etc, etc. [...]46_19Feb200711:22:[log in to unmask] 0702 11489 25 10_DM FERRETS6_sue [log in to unmask], 19 Feb 2007 13:36:02 -0500550_- The ferret you read about from dbones --SKIPPY-- is one of the ferrets
from DM,s horror barn. He either was injured or hurt and is now
partially paralyzed, He was tossed off in a corner to die. Thank God,
there was someone there--Lori Sies -- to see hi predicament and bring
him home to her shelter and thankfully into our home. He now knows
warmth and safety and cool-not frozen - water. He knows love and
sleeping in our arms. He gets carried around and warm baths when he
cant make it to the litter pan. We also have a [...]40_19Feb200713:36:[log in to unmask] 0702 11515 28 [log in to unmask], 19 Feb 2007 14:23:48 -0500549_- I'm so floored. If the situation was as stated, it wouldn't have taken
much to walk to a pay phone and call the authorities. So why did this
not happen? At the very least, could the person not have returned with
a friend (witness), or had others pay a visit AND taken a camera phone
for evidence. Heck, why would you even need to take secret photos for
evidence anyway, if it was on the scale as reported. Take real photos,
snap away quickly and walk away. Nobody can clean up, let along get rid
of a thousand ferrets in [...]39_19Feb200714:23:[log in to unmask] 0702 11544 23 14_Doug's Ferrets13_erin [log in to unmask], 18 Feb 2007 23:55:53 -0800328_- I have to agree with everyone. We have to get the law involved. Sadly,
only one or two people making complaints is not going to work. We have
to get a large group together and we must make them listen. Call humane
societies, animal rights activists, the police and anyone who will
stand up for these animals. [...]39_18Feb200723:55:[log in to unmask] 0702 11568 43 20_Ohio Ferrets in [log in to unmask], 19 Feb 2007 03:16:31 -0500493_- Hello all. I am new to the list but I was just reading some of the
posting on the Ohio rescue efforts.

I would first like to say that I am one of the people that have been
down to Doug's farm recently. I am also the person helping Lori try to
get them out of th
Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:32:54 EST
text/plain (50 lines)
Hi Mary and other dear fellow FMLers.

Mary: I read your letter to us all this morning on the FML. Just wanted
you to know that while PETA has a radical faction, they have done a
number of wonderful things that get thrown into the mud with the ugly
things they do.

In Layton Utah, where a ferret hoarder was asking the FML for money
for a lawyer, and none of the authorities who had confiscated all the
ferrets would speak to anyone on the FML...I tried numerous times
personally...all the ferrets were going to be euthenized. I called
PETA, and asked if they could please call the people holding the
ferrets. At the time, we believed that the person who was actually a
hoarder ran a ferret shelter.

PETA flew down there for us. And that is when we discovered that the
shelter mom wanting a lawyer to get her ferrets back was in fact a
hoarder. PETA postponed the authorities in Layton Utah from euthenizing
the ferrets for several weeks. This gave us the chance to save the

The authorities there were not going to let all those ferrets back out
into their community, and were not answering our calls. PETA gave us a
chance to rescue the ferrets.

People on the FML rallied, and several people put themselves into
stressful heavy financial debt...spending thousands of dollars out of
their own pockets...to rescue the ferrets. Many others took in 5 or
more, also spending thousands on vet bills. People were in debt for a
number of years due to their enormous hearts, despite the money raised
to partially reimburse them.

I was the one who called PETA and who was called back to let me know of
the actual situation. So this is not rumor. I kept notes on the people
I spoke with in Utah and PETA up until I moved last year.

I will not debate about PETA. I am just letting you know that I cannot
find them either all good nor all bad. And I will always be grateful to
them for spending their time and money to fly into Utah to ascertain
the truth, and postpone the deaths of over 100 ferrets.

You may wish to contact them to see for themselves what the situation
is. I do not know if they still have the funds for such things. And
aside from me, I do not believe anyone else ever had the common
courteously to thank them. So I cannot imagine what They must think
of Us.

[Posted in FML 5524]