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Fri, 21 Jul 2006 13:31:34 -0700
Mustela Putorious <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (98 lines)
It's another glorious day in the Rainbow Bridge community.  The sky
is a beautiful shade of summertime blue, a warm breeze is blowing and
laughter is in the air.  It seems where ever you go you can hear the
laughter of young ferrets enjoying the long lazy days of summer.
I took a stroll to my favorite spot, The Meadows, after breakfast this
morning.  The grass is tall and green and smells so sweet.  There is
always an open invitation to lay down and sleep in the comfort of the
warm grass.  But today I don't have time for a nap, maybe later... that's
a silly thought, there is ALWAYS time for a nap when you are a ferret!
Today I am checking on many of the more recent arrivals to our community.
I like to check on them to be sure they have transitioned well and that
they have found their loved ones and that they are as happy as can be.
So, I am on my way to the Lesser Falls to visit with the younger ferts
who are playing in the water on a warm and lazy summer day.  I enjoy
the walk to The Falls.  The paths wind their way through the Woodlands,
there is much flora and fauna to observe along the way.  Beautiful
Jacks-In-The-Pulpit, Venus Fly Traps and wild orchids abound.  There are
ferns and mossy knolls and many small woodland creatures along the way.
The paths are covered by a dense canopy from the trees above and it is
always cool and damp, and it smells of moss and musky greens.
As I approach the entrance to The Falls I see my old friend, Francis
Ferret.  Francis is a kind lady whose job it is to help frightened or
confused new arrivals at The Rainbow Bridge to transition to their new
lives, to accept that they have passed on and understand that they will
live here until they are one day reunited with their loved ones.  Like
me, Francis is dedicated to all the animals here and she checks on their
well being all the time.
"Hello Francis!" I shouted over the dull roar of the Lesser Falls.
"Oh Hullo Pete!  Come to check on the kiddies have you?" asked Francis
I replied "Oh Yes!  I see you are here to do the same."
"Yes, I am" she snickered, "I also like to be sure they are being careful
and not playing too rough, it's easy to slip and fall on these rocks."
I looked around at the group of youngsters, there was Bucky and Sweets
and Bandit and Tuffy, diving into the water and splashing one another.
Laying on a large granite slab soaking up the sun I saw Nunzio and Baxter
and Chloe and Minx...the girls squealed as Muldoone splashed them with
some cool water!  Stewey and Crispin were trying to teach some kits how
to swim.
Mr. Muldoone climbed the rock wall to the Greater Falls and yelled down
from above "Hey guys!!  Wooks at me, I can fwy!!"
And he hurled himself from a great height, executing a near perfect swan
dive towards the rocks below!  Girlie ferrets screamed in fear, the young
male ferrets looked on in amazement, mouths open, breath held in!  As if
in slow motion, everyone watched as Muldoone soared through the air,
chest out, back arched, a smile on his handsome young face.  And then he
landed with a thud, bounced off the rocks and splooshed into the shallow
For a few moments he was under the water, everyone waited for him to
surface and shout 'TaDa!' in typical Muldoone fashion.
But he didn't come up!
Fearing for his safety, I dove into the cool water and searched for
Mully, I saw him and grabbed a leg, pulling him to the surface.  I pulled
his limp body onto the granite rocks and checked to make sure he was
breathing.  Francis Ferret checked him over for broken bones or other
injuries and found none.  I lightly slapped his face, trying to rouse
him, but he wouldn't come around.  All the young ferrets gathered round
and watched, fearing the worst.
I looked at their frightened faces and told them, "I am sure Muldoone
will be fine, he has a nasty bump on his noggin....Miss Francis and I
will take him home now, not to worry...not to worry at all."
I gathered up Muldoone's muscled frame in my arms and began the long walk
back to my cottage.  Francis decided to come with me, in case I needed
some help.
When we arrived at my cottage, Francis straightened out the guest hammy
and I laid Muldoone in it.  He had a purplish bump in the middle of his
forehead.  He looked like he was asleep.  Francis laid a cool, damp cloth
on his head and we waited....waited for him to awaken, even to stir just
a bit, but he just laid there, still, and quiet.
"What should we do Francis?" I asked, concerned for my young friend.
"I don't know that there is anything we CAN do for him Pete.  Except
to let him rest and keep a watchful eye on him.  When he's ready, he'll
wake up."
Francis smoothed Muldoone's hammy hair, still damp from the water.
She gazed down at him lovingly, and sighed..."We'll just have to wait and
see what happens Mr. Pete"
[Posted in FML issue 5311]