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Mon, 12 Jun 2006 01:46:20 EDT
Robin Jones <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Super hero home base to Tonks, Come in Tonks do you read me?
:::crackle, crackle:::

Tonks to super hero home base, I read you loud and clear, Mommy is dat

Yes Tonks, how is the flight going, are you okay?

I be fine mine Mommy, I was gonna stop and see my Aunty Kat, but I
remember what you said about "NO STOPPING" So Toronto here I come.

Good boy Tonks, It is very important that you get the ELF Quilt to
Toronto in time for Ferret Aid.  But Tonks you have another mission
once you get to Toronto.

Ya mean besides huggin Miss Randy?

Yes honey, Aunty Kat & Aunty Reb have asked that you give Miss Randy hugs
for them too!

I can do dat Mommy, I am a huggin machine.  You just wait until I see dat
Miss Randy.  I wonder if she has eber been hugged by a super hero?

Bye Mommy, Super Tonks ober and out!

Super hero home base out.

You don't have to be in Toronto to get a raffle ticket for this
beautiful quilt, go to:
and click on the Emergency Love Fund for more information.
[Posted in FML issue 5271]