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Thu, 20 Apr 2006 21:23:30 -0400
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Hopefully everyone reading this already understands that ADV is a
horrible disease that can make ferrets sick and even kill them.  And one
of the worst things about ADV is that there is no treatment or cure once
a ferret has it.  Supportive care can be provided, and that may help the
ferret live a longer and better quality life, but that ferret still has
ADV and is still capable of spreading it.
Until recently, it was thought that there could never be a vaccine for
ADV.  Traditionally, vaccines consist of a small amount of modified virus
(either killed or live) that cause the body to make antibodies against
it.  These antibodies then prevent the animal from getting sick from the
real disease.  But since ADV antibodies are non-neutralizing, this would
not work with ADV.
However medical science has come a long way in the last few years, and
new technologies are making things that previously seemed impossible
possible.  Use of technologies like recombinant DNA make creating a
vaccine against ADV obtainable.  But, these new technologies can also
be expensive.
When I was working on my ADV article for Ferrets Magazine, I asked Dr.
Branson Ritchie, who heads the ADV research team at UGA for an estimate
of what it would cost to develop a vaccine against ADV.  He responded
that they could probably do it for about $240,000.00.  He added that
because it would take several years of work, that it might be better to
think of it as $60,000.00 a year for 4 years.
Now, those of you that read all of every post in every FML know that
these figures were discussed about a week ago.  You know that I already
pointed out that while $60,000.00 may sound like a lot of money, it
works out to just $25.00 per FML member.
Think about this - if every member of the FML gave UGA just $25.00 a year
over the next 4 years, we could have a vaccine against ADV.  And, $25.00
a year is only a little over $2.00 a month.  When you look at it that
way, it doesn't sound like all that much to pay for a vaccine that could
protect our furkids from ADV.
Now, I know there are people out there who are scraping just to get by.
In recent years the economy has not been great, and there are people who
have lost their jobs or taken pay cuts because of downsizing and
I also know that ADV is not the only horrible disease that can hurt our
ferrets.  There are many things that affect the health of ferrets that
need research.  DIM is another terrible disease that comes to mind, as
well as juvenile lymphoma.  Still - $25.00 per person for 4 years for a
vaccine against ADV.
And I know that medical research is not the only worthy cause that needs
money.  SOS has several ongoing rescues that need financial help, and
there are many ferret shelters that also need support.  Beyond the scope
of ferrets there are many other things as well.  Here in the US we
suffered some terrible storms last year, and many families were left
with nothing.  These people are still struggling to rebuild their lives,
and there are many charities collecting money to help them.
I say all this, because I appreciate that for many of us, we see worthy
causes asking for our donations everywhere we look, and I honestly can't
say that ADV is more important then any of the others.
But, ADV research is important.
I also know that many of you have never had to deal with ADV, and I am
truly grateful that ADV hasn't directly affected more people.  I would
not wish the pain of ADV on anyone.  And, while I do not like to play
on people's emotions, let me assure you that when your ferrets have ADV,
you feel pain every time you look at them.  You feel guilt and anger and
blame, and you know that in their little bodies there are bad things
happening, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Think about that, and think about not having to worry about ADV again.
For anyone who wants to help, I will again provide the information for
making donations.  For those in the US, money you donate may be tax
deductible - depending on how you file.  Checks should be made out to
"The Arch Foundation".  On the notations line, write "ADV Research" or
"ADV Fund".  Mail the checks to:
           Kate Pennick, Research Tech III
           Dept. of Pathology -- Room 148
           UGA College of Vet Med
           Athens, GA 30602-7388
And, if you can't afford $25.00, but want to help, then send what you
can.  Every penny will help bring us closer to the day when no one has
to worry about ADV.
Danee DeVore
International Ferret Congress Health Issues Coordinator
ADV - If your ferret hasn't been tested, you don't know!
For more information visit: http://www.ferretadv.com
You can help fight ADV!
Visit: http://help4adv.terrabox.com/
[Posted in FML issue 5219]