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Sat, 10 Dec 2005 15:42:11 -0500
text/plain (78 lines)
Hyall, well we is getting ready for a great re-enactment of someting that
took pwace on earth over 2000 years ago.
The choir angels has been practicing.  The ferret angels are dooking the
high notes, and at de tippy-top of de scale are de mousie angels.  Their
squeaks add a note of beauty to de choir.  We is coating our throats wit
honey and lemon as we definitely dont want to disappoint de BOSS.
Back to Rainbow Bridge business (sorries I gets carried away with de
bridge happenings).  Today Sandee was off duty trying to gets her poor
tail braiding mishaps repairs by de taildresser.  Sandee swears dat she
will never have a fancy faddish ting done to her fur again,but dis will
take all day so my sympathies are with her.
So I was on duty dat day.  All of us was waiting for PAL to come across,
by that I means all of his business that has arrives before him.  Den we
sees him--a little elderly ferret shuffling thru de fog tryings to find
the beginnings of de bridge.  What to do.  Poor little guy.  From whats I
hear he has been thru lots.  So I trots over to middle of bridge--no easy
ting as it really sways and I have a lousy sense of balance.  I waves
saying PAL just step right dere and come on across.
He whimpers back Who is you--I am SaraFerret bridge greeter.
Oh he says I's heard of you.  But I is scared to step dere.  Oh my, am I
gonna get in trouble again--middle name to me.  Since he was so scared
one of his business spoke up and says I will come and get him.  I tell
dem dat dere is only room for two ferrets and one of us will have to fall
off.  Dat stopped dat.  What to do.  OK--disobey de rules and trots over
to bridge gate and open it up and take hold of PAl's paw.  He seems so
relieved and held onto me for dear life.  I tells him dat others had says
he was old, but he looked now like a young ferret in prime of life.  Once
dat PAL got on de bridge we had a race to de finish line.  Oh great I
lose de race to him.  He wardanced and wardanced and did de polka even
wit all the furries dere and danced my paws off also.  He says he had de
most wonderful life with Scott and his family, but it was hard for him.
He gots big tears in his eyes when he talked about de humans who took
care of his every need.
Btw, Daddy Scott, PAL says he didnt even know dat you were not dere when
he passed, but saw you anyway all the way thru, as he had passed into a
kind of sleep wit thoughts of his humans holding him.  So he really felt
your presence.
He wanted de wings when he saw ours, ok now big decision time--what color
and type.  Not too heavy ones, but training wings until he got used to
dem.  As we entered de Kit Wing and Halo shop, he spotted a big set of
wings dat looked fit for a king, (dey were too big for him but I didnt
say a word)--they were lavished wit sparkled and fire wit blue de main
colors.  Okays we tried dem on him--dey fit him but he swayed a bit under
dere weight, but den since dis is de land of miracles they became lighter
on him and fit him perfectly as tho dey had been made for him--you could
feel the glow from his smile and since he had been so brave we found him
a halo with laurel on it.  Laurel as in winners of the Greek Olympics.
Oh he was so happy dat de kits and aunties got happy--it was one big
party.  Now usually de BOSS frown on dis impromptu parties, but ferrets
and mousies and all members ofdis ferret bridge came out of de woodwork.
All of a sudden the few pepsis and sweet iced tea and crackers wit squirt
cheese became a mammoth table of all dis.  We was dancing dooking,
froliking and de mousies were under everyones paws.  I dearly loves my
pepsis and squirt cheese and made sure dat PAL was getting his share.
My he said, dis place is wonderful although I miss my human family.  I
sneaked him outs of de party and to de reflecting pool and told him to
study the pool for a few, and dere he saw his family gathered around wit
tears in his eyes and PAL saying oh no dont cry I am happy now.  So we
put his kisses tied wit ribbons on de comet dat was heading toward earth
and by de time his family reads dis dey should have received dere gift
from PAL.  We never did get to his den dat day and most of us were too
tired to trot afterwards so we just grabbed blankets and curled up
anywhere--PAl wit his business and for some reason I gots about 100
mousies sharing my blanket--dey promised to be good so I fell asleep wit
mousies in my arms.
Love, dooks, noel
[Posted in FML issue 5088]