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"S.Hewett" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 9 Feb 2006 19:42:45 +0800
text/plain (26 lines)
>SUGGESTION: Free roam in a ferret-proof area such as their own room
>with lots of safe toys
>BENEFIT: Increases muscle-tone, keeps mind and body occupied
>QUESTION: What about interaction with people?  If you can mostly
>ferret-proof the whole house, isn't that better?
>SUGGESTION: Dark (totally dark) area where they can sleep
>BENEFIT: Seems to decrease the occurrence of adrenal problems
>QUESTION: Do they need access to this every night?
Ferret proofing the whole house is much better, but ferret proofing at
least some outdoor space as well is perfect.  By allowing ferrets access
to the great outdoors, they experience natural lighting and therefore no
special effort has to be made to keep them completely in the dark for
any length of time.  If a ferret can only experience artificial lighting
it stands to reason that their body will consider this to be "daylight"
and therefore will need complete darkness for the body to consider it
"nighttime."  If daylight is considered to be day time, then even indoor
lights will signify nighttime.  Not only that, the joy that a ferret
experiences by being able to run, dance dig and play outdoors is
Love & Dooks,
[Posted in FML issue 5149]