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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0510 7590 70 49_SaraFerret gweets Lil Man furchild of Mommy [log in to unmask], 9 Oct 2005 19:31:27 -0500566_- Hi all, dis is SaraFerret. Wowsie have we been running our paws off
here. Must've been some sort of ferrety epizootal type thingy happening
on earth--lots of fuzzies pass over de bwidge. Sowwy for de delay--but
we has been so busy.

Mommy Sandi, your Lil same company. i think it's got 36% protein and
the first ingredient is chicken. all of mine just LOVE it!! hope this
helps. [...]42_30Jul200511:10:[log in to unmask] 0507 22297 16 42_feeding a senior ferret and 2 younger ones16_Michelle [log in to unmask], 30 Jul 2005 13:53:57 -0700500_- I wanted some FML input on my current Idea I have a 5 year old ferret, a
2 year old and a 1 year old they all live together in one big cage. I am
starting to worry about my seniors teeth and wondering if I should start
supplementing her with senior food currently they all eat Totally ferret
active, but I saw a totally ferret senior formula and was debating on if
it would be better to feed her some of it on her own when i let them out
for play time or if i could just mix [...]38_30Jul200513:53:[log in to unmask] 0507 22314 73 4_feet14_sukie [log in to unmask], 30 Jul 2005 16:23:37 -0400876_- Cutaneous Lymphoma:

a photo

pictures of a milder case

>We battled bad skin problems with my girl Nana for a little while,
>seeing tiny improvements here and there (or so I thought) with
>antibiotics, ivermectin, various shampoos, etc, etc, etc. But it
>never really improved much and in fact was getting worse and spreading.
>Once we biopsied, the mystery was revealed and she was diagnosed with
>cutaneous lymphoma. The good news is that her skin is now totally
>normal; she was put on isotretinoin (accutane) and it is incredible how
>it has cleared this [...]42_30Jul200516:23:[log in to unmask] 0507 22388 34 86_JM from FHL: Omega 3 fatty acids reducing rate of kidney disease, Omega 6 worsening it14_Sukie [log in to unmask], 30 Jul 2005 18:38:59 -0400656_- You referenced an article from Dr Scott Brown, VMD, PhD, ACVIM from the
University of Georgia. He has written many on this topic. Yes, the
fish oils have the omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) that help to
reduce inflammation. In the kidneys, fish oils lower the amount of
the eicosanoids (prostaglandin E2 and thromboxane A2), which reduces
glomerular pressure and slows the progression of chronic kidney disease.
Omega 6 fatty acids (vegetable oils) increase the production of the
eicosanoids, increase glomerular hypertension, and speed up the
progression to end-stage kidney failure (death). That is one of the
reasons [...]35_30Jul200518:38:[log in to unmask] 0507 22423 31 54_JM from FHL: enlarged spleen and difficulty defecating14_sukie [log in to unmask], 30 Jul 2005 18:46:02 -0400736_- http://www.smartgroups.com/message/readmessage.cfm?

Yes, the spleen will enlarge with a chronic illness (such as adrenal
disease, insulinoma, ulcers, heart disease, etc). In most cases the
spleen is compensating for the illness and is making red blood cells
(extramedullary hematopoiesis). If the spleen becomes enlarged enough to
cause pain, limit activity level, or cause constipation then it is time
to remove the spleen. Ferrets do just fine without a spleen, and they do
not have an increase in bacterial infections after removal like people
do. If your ferret is stable enough f
Sat, 30 Jul 2005 13:04:34 -0400
text/plain (32 lines)
Hello to all weasels and their humans,
3 of our ferrets have been showing serious signs of adrenal and after
reading up on Melatonin, we decided to try doing Melatonin pills.  Its
been around two months that they each have been getting 2 mg per day.
At first, we saw some instant improvement, especially with the female,
Nugget.  Her vulva shrank back down to normal, she gained some weight
and got her hair back (she didnt have as much missing to start with,
compared with the boys).  Chunky and Farty seemed to be started to grow
some hair back and they gained weight (which was good for Chunky because
he was getting a little thin), but now, more than ever, it seems that
they are getting worse.
I am wondering if there are any other alternatives at this point than
surgery.  Have I been giving the pills long enough to see a difference?
Is there maybe something about Melatonin not working as well in males?
Is it possible that although they arent growing the hair back, they may
be getting better?  If so, how do you tell?  I believe that they're both
good candidates for surgery, but when are they too old?  (Farty is a
little over 3 1/2 years and Chunky is a tad over 4 years old.) I just
dont know what is best for my boys at this point.  I hate seeing them
get balder.
Thanks for any input.
Becky and Heather and the Magnificent Seven--Bob, Chunky, Nugget,
Farty, Digger, Weasie and Holly Berry The Christmas Ferret
Missing Ally, Sleepy, Peanut, Mialey, Egan, George and Abigail von
Girlie, the Original Christmas Ferret.
[Posted in FML issue 4955]