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Fri, 26 Jan 2007 04:41:16 -0600
text/plain (39 lines)
Ok so I have been reading this everyday and thought I would tell a

A couple of months ago I had let my ferrets out and cleaned their cage
I always keep food and water down so incase hey get hungry or thirsty
while out, and after a few hours put them back in and let my one out
that does not get along with the others, and began cleaning her cage
and and after a few hours I put her up and decided to go to bed. Now I
work nights and so I keep my same sleep pattern all the time I am awake
at night and sleep during the day same as my ferrets, so it was around
5 am at 9 am I woke up to hearing papers next to my bed moving, I live
by my self and no body was here so I thought that it was just my
imagination or something I looked and nothing was there so I went back
to sleep. At around 9:30 I rolled over and sense something in my bed so
opened my eyes and saw something laying there and closed my eyes to go
back to sleep , I woke back up and saw that it was Phoebe my little
daredevil sleeping in the bed next to me with her head on the pillow.
I immediately scooped her up and talked to her and placed her in her
cage, who I started trying to figure out where she got out from the
little door on her cage was open I forgot to close it after cleaning
her cage.

Now I have to tell you that this is the same ferret that if she sees
an opportunity to escape at any time she will and most of the time she
will high tale it to the top of her cage and look down as though she is
contemplating on jumping . Instead of using the ramps in her cage she
will climb the bars on the side as though she is doing her daily work
out via pull ups. Nothing scares her except her own kind then she is
quick to poop herself. I have taken her to Wild Oats food store and
people love her and she loves them. But she loves them because majority
of the time they give her food. She is quick to throw a temper tantrum
if she does not get her way or she is mad about something. She has gone
as far as dumping her litter box or throwing the litter out. But will
be a sweetheart when humans are around when I tell people about her
temper tantrums they don't believe me because she is so sweet.

[Posted in FML 5500]