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Mon, 17 Apr 2006 06:40:09 EDT
Anne Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
If you don'tt like a shelter or don't want to support them, don't.
That's the end of it.  Unless they are doing something harmful to the
animals (in which case call animal control or the agency that licenses
them if applicable) or you know for a fact they are committing tax fraud
(call the IRS, don't bitch on the FML) find another use for your energy.
If you can't find something more constructive to do, how about I give you
some ideas:
Volunteer at a shelter.  If there's not a ferret shelter nearby, find
another type of animal shelter to help out.
Visit the Noah's Wish, HSUS, or EARS web site and find an animal disaster
training class and take it so you can help when it's needed--and I hate
to say it, but it's going to be a bad year again this year for
Find a way to help raise money for ADV research.  E-mail Danee for info
on that one.
Call your local senior center and see if any of the seniors might need a
ride to take their pet to a vet visit.
Just find something constructive to do instead of taking up bandwidth on
the Internet babbling about stupid shit, because that's really what this
has all turned into.
[Posted in FML issue 5216]