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Tue, 18 Apr 2006 01:21:31 -0500
text/plain (72 lines)
Hi all dis be SaraFerret.  Sorrys dat I has been so slow in posting my
greetings (well really Mommy is so slow--abouts as slow as molassise
in January).  See Mommy has to translates my dooks into people language--
really rather difficult (I know SaraFerret has been at dat dictionary
agains).  But two weeks is really bad.  Sometimes Mommy donts feels good
so all she does is takes care of her furkids at home and read de list and
den does nothing.  I dont tink dat is true,but Mommy says it so.
Well jus so you knows I did greets Kodi on de day he came across de
bridge.  I dug up my notes and sent dem to Mommy and so here it is.
Mommy apologizes for lates posties.
Okays Me and Serena and Isabel along wit de business of Mr Kodi were
hanging out just waits for hims to arrive.  Dere was Cinny, Coke,
Chitter--dey alreadys has nicknames.  Dere he comes complete wit a heavy
backpack.  Stomping across de bridge, and not looking ones bit happy
about it even tho he was coming to a great place.  We all jumped ups and
downs and of course de kits in my backpack were bouncing wit me--reminds
me not to jumps when I have heavy kits on my back--really hurts.  He
comes up to me--I can see by your goofy smile dat you must be SaraFerret,
de dumb bridgegreeter.  Oops-what happened?  A big tear ran downs my
cheek.  I just plain didnt know whats to say other den to read de note
once again--oh-oh dat explains it--nothing really personal.  His business
took a deep gasp at his manners and drew him asides and told him de facts
of life at de bridge.  I donts know what dey said, but he came back
wit a changed tude.  He apologizes to me and kisses my paw and asks for
forgiveness.  No need I says we donts has to do dat here.  We just will
forgets about de beginning and go back without noticing it.  So I
introduces myself and Isabel and Serena who just adored him.  He says
what lovely kits you have, m'lady.  (I can tell from his new 'tude dat
dis guy will go far.  I can see de little girl furs over dere in de
distance glancing at him and giggles.
And so he trew his paws around all his business of course one at a times.
And showed us all what he was carrying in his backpack--a chewyweasel.
Now personally I have seen chewys but I never cared for dem, but it was
his pride and joy.  I told him dat we has lots of foods like chewys and
'tone, and pepsis, sweet teas and squirt cheese wit crackers.  Oh wowsie
he says GREAT!  I did caution him not to mess wit de mousy angels, as if
dey get mad at you dey hold grudges--likes putting kibble in your nice
soft bed, or bugs in your water.  Naturally some mousy angels being nosey
by nature decided to come by and meet de new crosser.  Dey squeaked for
attention and so Kodi (bless his heart) proceeded to charm dem too.  Oh
dey were so impressed-- he even kissed Mary Mousy Angels little paw and
she blushes at all dat.  So since dey had checked out de newcomer dey
went on to spread de news squeaking loudly dere approval and before you
knows it about 100 mouseys were gathered on de hill cheering for Kodi.
Hip-Hip-Hooray for Kodi.  Smart ferret very smart.  But I could tell his
humans had raised him right, since he had had a bad beginning of his life
and sometimes in spite of all, occasionally showed itself.  So nobodys
was attacked by Kodi (special note to his humans--you raised a find young
He declined de tour but was anxious to get wings and halo and make his
way to de 'tone fountain.  So wes went off to Kit and Kaboodle and he saw
dis great set of wings wit cowboys on it--oh dose kits and Auntie Mary
Ferret do some great work (not really work-just play work).  Sos we tries
him wit de cowboys wings and Auntie takes a tuck here and a snip dere and
she showed him off--oh wowsie--quite fetching.  I can see all de boy
ferrets turning in dere wings and wanting different ones like spaceships,
etc.  Dese ferrets must've watches too much tvs.  Den his halo was put
His business was wanting to show him de place and so I decided dat I
would let dem.  Dey invited me to a late nite party in a few hours and I
said sure--count on me I will be dere.  So offs dey went chattering away.
And so ended a greeting at de beautiful Rainbow Bridge.
Dooks of loves and kisseys
[Posted in FML issue 5216]