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Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:46:39 -0500
text/plain (37 lines)
Hey all, just a reminder, ten days left to buy raffle tickets.  We have
raised $100 to date, and are looking to raise $250 before the raffle is
The shelter is in desperate need for some funds, FerretsFirst recieved
four badly abused and neglected ferrets from a county animal control
office a few weeks ago.  These ferrets were found living in cages filled
with their own poop and pee, no food, no water.  Seven ferrets were
found, three had been dead in the cage for some time, one little girl
was stuck in a tiny rodent cage by herself.  She was so terrified she
attacked everyone who came near her.  Animal control got them to a vet,
where they were treated for malnourishment, dehydration and liver
problems brought on by lack of decent food.  When they arrived at the
shelter, they came with a five page list of medication instruction and a
box of medicines.  Two of the ferrets are suspected to be adrenal.  In
the last month, the ferrets have blossomed under the shelter's care.  The
little terrified girl was reunited with her three friends, she has ceased
biting and all four love to play and snuggle.  They are recovering from
the liver damage and losing the yellow cast to their skin, eyes and fur.
it has been amazing to watch these ferrets relearn to be ferrets again,
to play with toys, learn to trust people and dance perhaps for the first
time in their lives.  You can see pictures and a writeup on them at
These are only four of the 30+ ferrets currently in the shelter.
Tickets are $1 each or 5 for $4.  The prize package is great, if I may
say so, bedding, toys, treats, chocolate for the people, tshirts...it
goes on and on.
You can buy tickets here--->
Paypal, check, money order and cash are accepted.  Directions on where to
send payment and who to make it out to are at the bottom of the page.
[Posted in FML issue 5190]