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Mon, 20 Feb 2006 21:21:41 -0500
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Hi all, dis is SaraFerret.  De other day, we were just hanging out
practicing or rather de kits were practicing for de big contests, like
four paw skating--on ice, as de Boss had laid down a practice ice rink.
All of a sudden de loudspeaker blared: SaraFerret, get yourself to de
bridge you has gots a little girl furry trying to cross.  So I has to
pop Serena in de backpack after taking off her skates and zipped over
to de bridge.  Rush rush rush, de story of a bridge-greeters life.
It was a nice day, no wind to speaks of.  I checks de note hanging dere
and it says little Maxie is a speed demon but is having a bits of trouble
seeing.  I calls out for her: Maxie this be SaraFerret bridge greeter,
come on across, its safe.  A little squeaky dook answered.  But I cants
find de bridge and Is afraid I wont make it--Is afraid to falls off.
Hmmm--she is not having a bit of trouble--this is major trouble.  No one
to leave Serena wit, so we hops onto de bridge and walk across and find
a tiny white girl crying her eyes out.  I am scared, I wanna go home, I
dont wanna cross de bridge, I just want my human.  Awww, I know I tells
her-everybody feels like dat at de start but soon realize dis place is
great--no pain or nothing.  Just wait till we gets across, Olympic
tryouts are starting and Im sure from what your human says dat you will
be on our team.  Are you sure I can cross she whimpered.  Just hold on to
SaraFerret--I am a bridge greeter and I has been back and forth a number
of times.  So she put her little paw in mine and we starts walking and
soon we are dere.  She wanted to know what was in my backpack and Serena
pops her little head out and says Hi, I am Mommy's adopted kit.  Leave it
to my little darling to help de fix we is in.
Maxie loves de wings and halo.  She asks whats do we has to do to get
dose.  I tells her dat all bridge crossers get dese.  I could see her
little eyes light up.  She could see now and she took Serena's hand and
we all went to Kit and Kaboodle to get all fitted out.  We looked and
we looked and den looks again.  Finally Auntie Mary Ferret came out and
wondered what was de matter.  Maxie says well I wants wings but I donts
sees any I really likes.  Well Auntie knew how to handle dis.  She
brought out a pair of wings (small-sizes) and dey were silver with pinks
treads in dem.  You could just see Maxie glow.  Okay we gots her decked
out wit wings and halo and a new hammie.  Den Auntie looks at my wings
which are a bit frazzly to say de least and dusty and bent.  SaraFerret
you needs new wings-whatever have you been doing to yours wings.  Oh
nothing much I says.  IT looks like dey have been drug tru de mud (yep
Auntie is a mindreader).  So I gots me a rosey color wings which really
looked nice-more fitting my job and a new halo to wear inplace of de bent
one.  Auntie warns me to take better care of dem, donts wear dem to bed
and donts wear dem to de mudslides.  Yes mam I says to her.
And offs we went.  Since her business wasnt dere to meet her, I says well
would you like de short tour since you is so tired.  Sure and before you
could say ice skates, we were dere.  She says well whats do you do here.
Serena, ever de show-off says squeakily-well we do four-paw skating
here--very hard--I mostly ends up on my bottom, but I keeps trying.
So we attach de four inline skates to Maxie's paws and she says Is never
done dis before.  I tells her dat her Mommy says she can do everyting.
So off we went.  Maxie took to four-paw skating like she was born to it.
We were in awe of her.  All de ferrets gathered around and yelled and
waved and carrys on.  You could tell she has no fear.  She took little
Serena for a spin and then Isabel and dey had de best time.
Well none of Maxie's business had showed up, so Maxie says Ms SaraFerret
can I stays wit you till I finds my business.
Sure I said, an extra pair of paws always come in handy wit a new kit
around.  And so after practice, we walks home, dey walked and I limped
as I had taken a couple of nasty spills.  We set up her new hammie and
we spent de evening quietly chattering about home and de mess de earth
is in and happy we were safe here.
And so ended a beautiful happy day at de Rainbow Bridge.
Dooks of love
SaraFerret, Serena, Isabel and now Maxie
[Posted in FML issue 5160]