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Fri, 17 Feb 2006 19:08:37 -0500
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Hiya all, dis is SaraFerret.  Wowsie this has been a busy week esp since
poor Mully is laid up from the quills.  Everytime he tinks he is getting
ok the quills return to torment him.  And de poor Porcu dat did it is
beyond hisself.
He covers hisself wit a cloth and is constantly crying about what he did.
I hushed him and told him it wasnt on purpose, but no mind, he continues
to bring pepsis and other gifts to Mully.  Finally de Boss took over and
led the poor Porcupine back home among his own and cautioned him to be
careful about leaving his area as tings happen.
Okay de other day, I got a note dat said dat a ferret named Tifa was
crossing de bridge.  What a pretty name I thinks.
And dere I saw her starting to cross, hmm what seems matter.  She is
having trouble wit de winds and all and its no easy ting to cross.  She
kept looking back and making little-bitty steps forward and finally just
stopped and sat down and cried.  Oh-oh what to do.
Hey Tifa whats de matter.  No sound except sobs.  Oh wowsie!!!!  Okay I
start across and it sure is windy.  I is even having trouble.  I finally
reached her and I held on to her and said Hey Tifa its okay, you just
hold onto me.  But I wanna go back to my mommy--she was so nice and
helds me all de time and I wanna go home.
Sigh!!  I hate these times.  I know honey, I know.  But dis is your new
home now and one day you will see your mommy again.  Besides some of your
group is here already.  Dat didnt do much good.  Okay, she wasnt heavy at
all, just a wisp.  I told her just to hold on and she kept crying for her
mommy.  So I just picks her up and together we made it to her new home.
By now she quit crying and just laid dere in my arms.  I squeezed her
tight and then set her down.
She looked around and den looked at me and said are you Muldoone--mommy
said Muldoone was sposed to meet me.  Well honey, Mully is really busy
now, so he sent me.  I is SaraFerret and I am a bridge greeter here also.
Oh really!!!!  she said--you mean us girls can be bridge greeters too.
Of course I said.  I tell you what, you see my wings and halo, well why
dont we go over to Kit and Kaboodle and pick up a pair of wings for you
to wear.  We wear wings??  Of course we do, we are now ferret angels.
She just glowed den.  And off we went.
Dere was bunches of new wings laid out for her to see, and even Auntie
Mary Ferret was dere.  She showed Tifa a new pair of wings--dese were
pink with silver treads in dem and dey were pretty.  Oh wowsie Tifa said
I want dose.  Okay and together Auntie and I fixed de new wings on her
and sure enough she looked like an angel.  Den the halo to wear and de
new hammie to sleep in.
Together we went to de big book dat de Boss keeps on arrivals as de note
says dat Puji, Tifa's cagemate had arrived just a short time before.
Together we read and found where Puji was staying.  Well we left de Kit
and Kaboodle and ran right into Puji--de ferret grapevine (what peoples
call a phone) had told Puji that another of the group had arrived.  All
tree of us took off for de short tour as I tink Mully was planning to do
de grand tour for both when he gets betters.
Well, we first went to de mudslide and Puji was chittering wit Tifa about
de fun times we would have on de slide--we has to take off our wings and
halo cuz we donts want to get dem all muddy.  And of course we spent much
time sliding--didnt seem like many others were dere today.  We were all
big messes when it was over so we jumped into de cleaning pond and got
all clean and nicey smells.  Bubbles too.  I asks Puji how he had been
and he says well he had a great looking den and was looking forward to
his sister being dere.  And den we ran to de reflecting pool for de big
surprise.  Tifa was all excited about de different tings dat happens here
and de food and all de parties dat de party animals (wild ones) give and
dey invites all of de ferrets dere.  Her eyes gots bigger and bigger as
de stories went on.  (Puji was doing a good job and at least Tifa was
no longer crying.)  I pulled Tifa close to me and as we looked into de
reflecting pool we could see Tifa's mommy crying.  Awww poor mommy dey
both says.  And dey started waving and yelling hey mommy its us, dont
cry.  All of a sudden it gots real quiet.  And we could see dere Mommy
look around like she could hear and see something but doesnt know what
and den she looks up and starts waving to us and smiling.
Well we spent a time dere just looking at Mommy and den de picture faded
from us.  So we just picks up and heads over to Puji's den where Puji had
a welcome party for Tifa.  Party! said de sign in front and of course
where dere is a Party! dere is loads of Ferrets!!!! waiting to dance and
sing and all dat plus de mousie angels always had to come.  De mousies
are treasures and dey are good buddies to have.  We partied and danced
all nite and den I had to leave as I had a kit at home who needed to be
checked on and I left dem to chitter chat away and catch up on news.
I tought to myself what a nice place to live wit no fears any more.
No more meaness or evil, just love and kisses.  And so ended another
greeting at de bridge
Dooks of loves and huggies
[Posted in FML issue 5157]