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Thu, 19 Jan 2006 21:42:57 -0800
text/plain (68 lines)
Hi everyone, Rayna is home tonite!!!  I am so happy!!!  We had bit of a
scare, but she is one tough cookie with incredible strength!  She did
undergo surgery yesterday.  She got her spleen and left adrenal out,
and they took samples of her liver and a node, all were submitted for
biopsy..  so we'll know for sure in a few days as to what we're
ultimately dealing with.  I'm still holding on to hope that its not
lymphoma, but the vet is pretty sure.  But she made it thru her big
surgery, so we've crossed a big hurdle already!  I'm soooooo proud of
my little girl!
Well dawn, your not going to ruin my good mood, but I need to address
some of your "points" cuz obviously you didnt read my entire post.  Or
you did, and you just have no clue.
>To Andrea, "What's wrong with these Vets?"-
>You mention that you have 5 URNS of fuzzies that have ben sick and have
>passed to the Rainbow Bridge?
>My question is, "What is wrong with you, taking ferrets to a NON-ferret
>Vet?" If the Vet does not specialize in exotic animals and ferrets, what
>do you expect?
You are incredibly callous and/or ignorant.  In my post, I said: "And God
forbid if you encounter a nonferret vet - they dont have a bloody clue at
all as to what theyre talking about.  I brought her in to the hosp on
Friday nite - of course no emergency ferret vets - he tells me she's
fine, take her home --- Well, I'm back there on Saturday, the ferret vet
admits her."
Read the entire friggen post as I worded it.  Dont paste and clip it to
make up a different story.  I have lost 5 ferrets in the past 4 years.  I
did EVERYTHING I ever could to try to save my babies.  They DO normally
go to ferret vets, HOWEVER, DAWN, this was a Friday nite that this
happened, and no ferret vets were around... except for the emergency
hospital, but they did not have any ferret vets on duty.  He told me
that he had experience with ferrets.  Obviously he was not that ferret
experienced, is what I am saying, is becuz, I brought Rayna back
Saturday, and she was seen by their ferret vet, and she was admitted.
Dont you dare ever attack my deceased babies.
>Why don't you do some research on the Vets in your area, ask questions,
>ask on the FML, check with your nearest Ferret Shelter.
Again, dawn, for your info - I have researched my vets in my area.  I do
have the best of the best for my ferrets.  I wouldnt have anything less
for them.  I was frustrated as hell watching my baby go downhill.  As I
said, I was venting.  I have just learned that ferret spleens can enlarge
to lifethreatening size in a matter of days.  Sometimes it can happen
that quick, and sometimes it can take months.  You just never know.  I
was frustrated that I couldnt get help for her NOW at that moment.  And
you know what else dawn?  I had been on the FHL (yea, for great info),
asking questions, which I received alot of help for, and researching the
archives, and reading up on lymphoma and spleens and everything, and I
have also gotten alot of help from an incredibly knowledgeable ferret
shelter.  I have done the research and sought help.  Again, what I
learned is you just never know how quick these things can happen.
So from now on, before you callously and ignorantly attack people, read
the entire post and get the story straight before you go throwing your
cheap 2 cents in.  Its posts like yours that we can all do without.
My little girl is HOME!!!  I am soooo happy!  Thank you to everyone who
said prayers for her!
Andrea and Rayna (one tough little Rambo girl)
[Posted in FML issue 5128]